Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Aquaculture


| DFO's Aquaculture Action Plan |

In 2000-01, DFO took a number of important steps in recognition of the ever-growing significance of the aquaculture sector and the department's role as lead federal agency:

  • DFO identified aquaculture as one of the four policy renewal priorities in its five-year departmental strategic plan, articulating its policy objectives for the sector as (1) increasing public confidence in the sustainability of aquaculture development and (2) increasing industry's competitiveness in global markets;
  • DFO established the Office of Sustainable Aquaculture, with a view to bringing increased policy and program coherence to aquaculture initiatives within the federal government; and
  • DFO launched its six-point Aquaculture Action Plan, involving the development of enabling policy and regulatory frameworks for aquaculture development; a $75 million Program for Sustainable Aquaculture; industry development programs with a priority on the development of a National Aquatic Animal Health Program; increased intergovernmental harmonisation; and a communications initiative aimed at improving the public's understanding of aquaculture.

These recent steps confirm DFO's commitment to enabling the responsible development of the aquaculture sector and to strengthening its role as the lead federal agency for aquaculture.


Last Updated : 2006-06-27

Important Notices