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Maurice Lamontagne Institute Library

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The Maurice Lamontagne Institute library was created in 1987 with the mandate to acquire and organize documentary resources for Fisheries and Oceans Canada's specific needs in the Québec Region. The library boasts one of the most important specialized collections concerning oceans in Québec and in Canada. Its collection is made of 56 000 monographs and 900 periodicals, of which 322 are active subscriptions.


The Maurice Lamontagne Institute library's collections are specialized in the following fields: ecotoxicology, hydrography, navigation, fisheries, oceanography and marine science. All the library's titles are listed in VAGUES / WAVES, Fisheries and Oceans Canada libraries' collective catalogue, which is now available through Internet.


The Maurice Lamontagne Institute library is open to the public during the following hours. The documents are available for reference only at the library but they can be borrowed through the inter-library loan service in another library (in a municipality, college, university, etc).

The library also offer access to the on-line MLI bibliography, a catalog of MLI publications indexed alphabetically by author, topic or species.

Library Hours

8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. from Monday to Friday

The library is not open on public holidays.

Contact information

Maurice Lamontagne Institute
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
850, route de la Mer
P.O. Box 1000
Mont-Joli (Québec)
Telephone: (418) 775-0552
Fax: (418) 775-0538

E-Mail: LemayC@dfo-mpo.gc.ca


Last Updated : 2006-08-28

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