Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Minister's Speeches

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Speaking Notes


The Honourable Geoff Regan, M.P., P.C.
Minister of Fisheries and Oceans

Canada-Norway Press Conference

Trondheim, Norway
August 10, 2005


Thank you very much. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

On a personal note, I’d like to begin by expressing my thanks to Minister Ludvigsen for being such an excellent host over the last few days.

I’d also like to thank his officials for their continued co-operation with Canada on a range of fisheries and oceans issues — but particularly, for their dedication to the global aquaculture industry.

Canada is proud of our reputation for producing high-quality, safe fish and seafood. Over the years, we’ve worked hard to transform our proud fisheries heritage into a successful and sustainable industry.

Aquaculture is an important part of this industry.

Canada is extremely proud to be the featured country this year at such an important international event. It’s an honour and privilege to have this distinction.

We’re extremely proud of our delegation this year. The Canadian Pavilion is showcasing 12 Canadian exhibitors, who are demonstrating the "made-in-Canada" science and technology that is helping us build a competitive, world-class aquaculture industry that all Canadians can be proud of.

Over the years, Canada’s government and aquaculture industry have worked together to build a strong, sustainable Canadian aquaculture sector — a sector whose success depends on scientific research of the highest caliber.

But a key part of Canada’s success is due to international co-operation.

International co-operation has played — and will continue to play — a key role in this industry’s development, in Canada, in Norway, and around the world.

Canada and Norway have a long history of scientific collaboration in this field. And this year, we’re joining forces with a number of other nations to discuss ways to use science to boost public confidence in aquaculture products.

Tomorrow, our countries are co-hosting a full-day roundtable discussion, with delegates from around the world, to explore practical, co-ordinated ways to build public confidence in this industry.

A key component in this endeavour will be a focus on sound science. Canada believes that science is the key to public confidence. As we’ve seen in Canada, consumers are willing to support an industry like aquaculture — with the necessary assurances in place.

Science can provide these assurances. That’s why I’m pleased to see that science occupies such a prominent place at this year’s Aqua Nor.

I’m confident that by working together, and continuing in the co-operative spirit we’re seeing here at Aqua Nor, we can find the collaborative solutions to address the challenges our respective aquaculture industry faces, and continue providing our customers with nutritious, high-quality fish and seafood in the years to come.

Thank you very much.


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Last updated : 2005-08-08

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