Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
News Release

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february 25, 2004

OTTAWA – The Honourable Geoff Regan, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, today announced the recipients of Canada’s 2004 Recreational Fisheries Awards. The awards are presented to Canadian individuals and organizations in recognition of their work in protecting and enhancing recreational fisheries and their habitat, and encouraging increased recreational fishing opportunities, tourism and development.

"I would like to commend each of the award winners for volunteering so much of their time and effort towards ensuring a viable and healthy recreational fishery in Canada," said Minister Regan.

Created in 1989 by Fisheries and Oceans Canada, the Recreational Fisheries Awards recognize outstanding work undertaken to conserve and develop recreational fisheries and the habitat on which they depend. The awards are presented annually to recipients by the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans.

The recipients of the 2004 awards are:

Rick Amsbury, Whitney, Ontario (awarded posthumously). Rick Amsbury was a strong advocate of recreational fishing and fisheries conservation in Canada, and was a key organizer of many fishing related events and programs. As Executive Director of the Canadian National Sportfishing Foundation, he worked tirelessly to make National Fishing Week and the Sportfishing Canada web site realities. Rick was a strong supporter of children’s fishing programs including the "Kids and Cops" fishing program, through which promotional ads and educational materials make it fun and easy for kids to go fishing.

Kingfisher Interpretive Centre (KIC), Enderby, British Columbia. The Kingfisher Interpretive Centre Society maintains a 10-hectare property where, among other projects, they run a salmon hatchery. The non-profit society was established in 1980 and the KIC has grown into a centre for excellence in environmental education. This year, the KIC provided 4,000 school-age children with interactive, hands-on environmental education experiences. The Society played an important role in enhancing the number of chinook salmon in the Shuswap River, and can be credited with re-establishing the salmon sport fishing industry on the river.

Salmonid Association of Eastern Newfoundland (SAEN), St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador. This non-profit volunteer organization is dedicated to the enhancement and improved management of the province’s salmonid population. Formed in 1979, the SAEN educates the public on the value of salmonid resources and works in partnership with government agencies to improve fish stocks. They were the first non-profit community group in Atlantic Canada to undertake the stocking of a river which historically did not have a naturalized population of Atlantic salmon. As a result of such work, two Newfoundland rivers have seen a rise in salmon population.

Severn Sound Environmental Association (SSEA) - Tributary Rehabilitation and Erosion Control Program, Midland, Ontario. Founded in 1997, the SSEA works to clean sources of water pollution and restore fish and wildlife habitat in Severn Sound, near Georgian Bay, Ontario. The SSEA provides community-based, cost-effective environmental management of the Severn Sound watershed and surrounding area. The association aims to improve water quality and restore a healthy, balanced aquatic environment. Their Tributary Rehabilitation and Erosion Control Program rehabilitated stream and river habitat and improved water quality by restricting livestock access, stabilizing stream banks and planting native trees and shrubs along valley lands.

Yukon Fish and Game Association, Whitehorse, Yukon. The association is involved in numerous projects, including renovations to viewing facilities at the Yukon Rapids Fish Hatchery and Fishway, contributing to its success as the # 1 visitor attraction in Whitehorse. A strong advocate of live release fishing, the association has sponsored numerous workshops and forums. The association endeavors to ensure the sound management of fish, wildlife and outdoor recreation resources in the best interests of all Yukon residents. They also educate residents on the value of local resources, promoting sportsmanship and outdoor recreational safety in the community.

Any individual, group, business or association is eligible for the award and can be nominated at any time during the year by an individual or organization, and a co-sponsor.

For more information on the Recreational Fisheries Awards you can visit the Fisheries and Oceans Canada website at:

For nomination forms or additional information you may contact:

The Recreational Fisheries Awards Program
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
200 Kent Street,
Ottawa, ON K1A 0E6

Telephone: (613) 993-6695
Fax: (613) 990-9691



Sophie Galarneau
Manager, Media Relations
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
(613) 998-1530
Brian Underhill
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
(613) 992-3474


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    Last updated : 2004-08-03

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