Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
News Release

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March 25, 2004

OTTAWA – The Honourable Geoff Regan, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), today released A Policy Framework for the Management of Fisheries on Canada’s Atlantic Coast, the first comprehensive blueprint to guide fisheries management on Canada’s Atlantic coast. The Minister also announced a decision to maintain existing sharing arrangements in 29 of the 30 Atlantic fisheries for 2004 to create a more stable approach to access and allocation.

"Atlantic fisheries are a vital part of the fabric of the communities they touch," said Minister Regan. "This new framework will promote conservation and sustainable use of fisheries resources, self-reliant fisheries, a stable and predictable access and allocation approach and shared stewardship with resource users. Our aim is to modernize Government policies to match changing conditions in the fisheries."

This blueprint for modernizing fisheries management includes the following elements:

More transparent and rules-based decision-making processes;

An independent and viable fleet of inshore fishers;

Longer-term, more stable resource sharing arrangements;

Multi-year fisheries management plans focused on conservation and risk-management; and

Policies to promote the viability and self-reliance of the industry.

DFO will continue to manage fisheries in a way that is consistent with the constitutional protection provided to Aboriginal and treaty rights.

The Atlantic Fisheries Policy Review (AFPR) was launched in 1999 to create a framework for managing East Coast fisheries and build consensus around a renewed vision for the fishery. The policy framework represents the culmination of the first phase of these efforts and the most extensive citizen engagement process ever undertaken by DFO. The creation of sanctions for violating the Fisheries Act is also being explored. The stabilizing of sharing arrangements in established commercial fisheries is another key objective under the policy.

"The announcement of stabilization of 29 fisheries management plans for 2004 is an important first step in meeting this objective," said Minister Regan. "To create sustainable fisheries we must break the cycle of uncertainty and allow resource users to plan their business operations with more certainty. It also demonstrates we are determined to break with the past and move forward with a progressive, coherent and modernized fisheries management system."

All that is being stabilized are access and allocation arrangements -- one of many components of a management plan. Science advisory processes are ongoing and other management plan components are being developed in consultation with the fishing industry and other stakeholders. DFO’s decisions on 2004 TACs for East Coast fisheries will be announced over the coming months and will be based on scientific stock assessments and other advice.

"I am confident that, in continued close collaboration with provincial and territorial governments, Aboriginal groups, the fishing industry and others, we will be able to make real and lasting change," said Minister Regan. "This is the way to greater stability. Together we can build a foundation to effectively address the long-term needs of the Atlantic fisheries."

Copies of A Policy Framework for the Management of Fisheries on Canada’s Atlantic Coast are available at all DFO regional and area offices throughout Atlantic Canada, Quebec and Nunavut. The policy framework and related backgrounders are also available on the AFPR website at You may also wish to call toll free 1-866-233-6676.

Backgrounders related to this announcement are attached to this document.

Fact sheets on each of the existing management plans being stabilized can be found on the DFO website at:


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Christiane Parcigneau
Media Relations
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
(613) 998-1530

Geneviève Gareau-Lavoie
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
(613) 992-3474


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    Last updated : 2004-08-03

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