Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
News Release

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May 6, 2004

FREDERICTON – The Honourable Andy Scott, Minister of State (Infrastructure) and Member of Parliament for Fredericton, announced today on behalf of the Honourable Geoff Regan, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, that the Government of Canada is investing $5.2 million for improvements at 12 fishing harbours in New Brunswick.

"The fishing industry is essential to the economy of New Brunswick’s coastal communities," said Minister Scott. "This federal funding will make real improvements for our harbours and the fishers who use them."

Petit-Shippagan will be the site of a wharf reconstruction project this summer. The inner part of the main wharf has deteriorated over time and is presently barricaded to vehicle traffic. This means fishers cannot use the length of the wharf for heavy loading and unloading of their vessels. Reconstruction of the inner part of the wharf and a new concrete deck will bring the wharf to good, usable condition. Work is scheduled to be completed this fall.

Repairs to the deck are planned for the wharf at Stonehaven this season. The decking on the wharf is in poor condition and, without repairs, would eventually have to be load restricted or barricaded. The project involves removal of the existing decking and the installation of 400 square metres of new concrete decking. Work will start this summer and be completed in late spring of next year.

The launching/haul-out ramp at Ste-Marie-sur-Mer is in poor condition. As the only such facility at this busy harbour, it is important the ramp be returned to safe operation. The project involves reconstructing the ramp and installing a new concrete deck surface. Work is scheduled to begin by the end of May and be completed in late summer.

The project at Le Goulet involves the construction and installation of 8 new floating docks, replacing older, increasingly unsafe floats. The new floating docks will provide necessary berthing, preventing congestion and related safety problems. Construction will begin in late spring and be completed by the end of summer.

Facilities at Chance Harbour consist of a 130-metre main wharf with a small floating dock, both protected by a breakwater. The outer portion of the wharf was rebuilt three years ago. The structural integrity of the inner 60-metre section of the wharf is poor, necessitating the current project. The inner portion of the wharf will be reconstructed with steel piles and a new concrete deck. Work is expected to start in early summer and be completed early fall.

North Head is the largest harbour on Grand Manan Island and one of the cornerstones of the local economy. Overcrowding is a concern and the project currently underway involves the installation of approximately 100 metres of floating wharves in the east basin. This will do a lot to improve efficiency for fishers. When installation is completed, electrical services will be provided to the new wharves and also to the existing floating wharves in the west basin. Work is scheduled to be completed by summer.

White Head is the only all-season harbour on White Head Island in the Bay of Fundy and the location of the Island’s only vessel fuelling facility. The fuelling wharf is old and in severely deteriorated condition, causing concern among the fishers who depend on it. The wharf will be reconstructed with timber piles and a concrete deck, ensuring that fishers have continued access to this essential service. Work is expected to start in the summer and be completed by fall.

Work continues at other New Brunswick harbours on a number of projects that started last year. Wharf repairs at Grande-Anse, Ingalls Head and Lords Cove will be completed this season as will wharf construction at Dipper Harbour. Boynes Cove is the site of an ongoing, major harbour development project and work currently underway includes wharf reconstruction.

These projects will be funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Small Craft Harbours budget. They will be implemented in cooperation with the Harbour Authorities, which manage and operate the facilities for local users. Such close cooperation with clients allows the Government of Canada to continue to provide an operable system of harbours and facilities throughout Canada in support of commercial fishers.



About Petit Shippagan, Le Goulet, Ste-Marie-sur-Mer, Stonehaven and Grand Anse:
Frédéric Butruille
Communications Manager
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
(506) 851-7218

About Chance Harbour, White Head, North Head, Dipper Harbour, Ingalls Head, Lords Cove and Boynes Cove:

David R. Jennings
Manager, Communications
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
(902) 426-3555


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    Last updated : 2004-08-03

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