Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
News Release

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Matthews Announces a Federal Investment of $5.7 Million in Small Craft Harbour Improvements in Newfoundland and Labrador

May 7, 2004

BURIN – ST. GEORGE’S – Bill Matthews, Member of Parliament for Burin – St. George’s, announced today on behalf of the Honourable Geoff Regan, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, that the federal government will invest approximately $5.7 million into repairs and improvements to fishing harbours in the area.

"As a government, we are committed to support our coastal communities and the people that make their livelihood from the sea," said Mr. Matthews. He stressed that the fishing industry is heavily reliant on harbour infrastructure and its continued availability, safety and functionality is crucial.

Codroy – The breakwater/wharf which provides protection, berthage and a service area was damaged in a severe storm last winter. The storm created a hole along the seaward face of the structure and ballast is now starting to spill out of the cribbing. The planned work will repair the structure and the service area to provide a safe operating platform for fishery operations and improved parking, storage and vessel repair facilities.

Fox Island River – A section of the wharf has deteriorated and is now barricaded against use by the local fishing fleet. Deterioration has also caused a section of the decking to collapse. The project will repair this structure by replacing the piles and bracing and install a new deck over the entire wharf. This project will ensure that this structure will continue to serve the needs of users for safe and functional berthage and offloading facilities.

Conne River – Funding has been approved to complete planning activities for an anticipated multi-year development of harbour facilities at Conne River. Preliminary assessment of requirements at this site, include construction of a finger pier wharf, marginal wharf and floating docks.

Garnish – This will be the second year of a four-year project to upgrade harbour facilities. Last year planning and engineering activities were undertaken. This next phase involves reconstruction of the launching facility, repairs to the finger pier and removal of rocks impeding access in the channel.

St. Bernard’s – This funding will construct a rubblemound breakwater to protect user vessels and existing harbour facilities. Once completed, this will greatly improve operating conditions for local fishers.

Cape St. George (Rouzes Brook) – In recent years, this harbour on the Port au Port Peninsula has sustained severe damage in a series of storms that weakened the main breakwater and removed most of its protective armourstone. This two-year project will undertake major repairs and harbour improvements, including fortification and extension of the main breakwater and repositioning of a secondary rubblemound breakwater. The harbour basin will also be dredged to permit easier and safer access to and from the site.

This work will result in a safer and more protected environment for the commercial fishing fleet. Construction that began last summer will be completed later this year.

Black Duck Brook – This project will dredge the area in front of the small boat slipway to remove sand and kelp and will also involve modifications to the slipway itself. The area around the slipway above high tide will be cleaned up and restored as much as possible to its original condition. This work will allow fishers better access to and from the slipway during the fishing season.

Lawn - Due to sea conditions and the silting effects of the river, the channel leading into the harbour is infilling, causing problems for fishing vessels entering the harbour. Under this project, the channel will be dredged and the breakwater extended to provide additional protection. Additional shore protection will also be installed along the shoreline leading to the wharf at Sandy Point. This will address damages to sections of the structure destroyed in last winter’s storms which also washed away sections of the roadway. Completion of this work will greatly improve the facilities for fishers at Lawn.

Grand Le Pierre – This project to upgrade facilities within the harbour will include the installation of floating docks and modifications to the existing slipway. This will permit improved and safer utilization of facilities.

Harbour Breton – This project will extend the existing wharf on the southeast side of the harbour. The extension will provide some relief from the congestion experienced during peak periods and provide additional berthage space for the current fleet.

North Harbour – This year will see the completion of the marginal wharf project ongoing during the past two years. Work will involve completion of the deck, upgrading of the upland property and installation of two floating docks.

Rencontre East - The existing slipway is over twenty-five years old and sections are deteriorated beyond repair. This project will reconstruct and extend the facility. Completion of this project will prolong the life of the structure and make the area more serviceable for the fishing fleet.

Burin – Upland improvements will be made this year. This will include grading and paving the upland area and stabilizing a section of shoreline. The project will improve utilization of the area and reduce the environmental impacts of erosion. Work is expected to be completed this fall.

Fortune – Increased marine activity and larger vessel sizes have resulted in inadequate berthage and unloading capacity at this harbour. This project will see an extension to the existing wharf to help alleviate some of the congestion. Design work on this project will commence this spring and construction should begin by early fall.

Parker’s Cove – The wharf at this facility is in disrepair and identified as unsafe. No longer used as a wharf, it still provides protection for the harbour. The project will remove and replace the structure with a short armourstone breakwater and a floating dock. Work is expected to be completed this fall.

Pool's Cove - The wharf and approach area will be upgraded during the summer to better accommodate fishing and aquaculture activities. The existing wooden deck on the structure will be removed and a concrete deck installed, in addition to electrical upgrades.

These projects will be implemented by Fisheries and Oceans Canada, as part of its Small Craft Harbours Program, in cooperation with the local harbour authorities that manage and operate the facilities for the benefit of local users. Such close cooperation with clients allows the federal government to continue to provide an operable system of harbours and facilities throughout Canada in support of commercial fishers.



Robert Fagan
Communications Officer
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
St. John’s, NL
(709) 772-7627


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    Last updated : 2004-08-03

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