Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
News Release

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November 10, 2004

OTTAWA – The Honourable Geoff Regan, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, today said that he is encouraged that his counterparts in Portugal and Britain want to collaborate with Canada to combat the global overfishing problem.

"Canada has been working hard to garner international support for a multilateral approach against overfishing," said Minister Regan. "I am pleased with the growing attention that other coastal nations are paying to this global problem."

Minister Regan was in London and Lisbon earlier this week to advance bilateral relations regarding Canada’s strategy to curb illegal fishing activities and to improve international fisheries governance.

In Lisbon, meetings between Minister Regan and Carlos da Costa Neves, the Portuguese Fisheries Minister, resulted in an agreement to identify more co-operative initiatives to better understand the legal frameworks in both Canada and Portugal and to build a more solid fisheries relationship. A Portuguese delegation will be invited to learn first-hand about Canadian inspection procedures, enforcement methods, and judicial penalties for infractions by Canadian violators.

Joint activities will also include areas for scientific co-ordination, building on the joint scientific research plan presently being undertaken by the University of the Azores and the University of Quebec in Rimouski to produce information for sustainable development of oceans’ ecosystems. The potential for fishing industry co-operation will also be explored.

"The coastal communities of both Canada and Portugal rely heavily on fisheries resources," said Minister Regan. "It's important that Portugal knows what we're doing domestically, so they understand that what we're asking other countries to do is no more than what we're doing ourselves."

"Overall, I am pleased that we are working together to find a better understanding of our respective fishing interests."

While in London, Minister Regan met the Chair of the High Seas Task Force, the Honourable Elliot Morley, and Britain’s Minister of the Environment and Agri-Environment, to discuss Canada’s role in the ministerial-level group. As a result of the meeting, the Minister will be identifying opportunities for Canada to forward the work of the Task Force to expose and combat the global problem of illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing on the high seas.

"Fishing nations around the world must address together the rapid depletion of fish stocks and the destruction of important global ecosystems," said Minister Regan. "My trip was an important way to exchange ideas on possible paths to address global overfishing and to improve international fisheries governance."



Christiane Parcigneau
Media Relations
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
(613) 998-1530

Brian Underhill
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
(613) 992-3474


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    Last updated : 2004-11-10

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