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Appointments to Pacific Salmon Commission Panels

March 3, 2000

OTTAWA -- Herb Dhaliwal, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, today announced appointments and re-appointments of Canadian members to the Northern and Southern Panels, and the newly established Transboundary Rivers Panel of the Pacific Salmon Commission.

The Pacific Salmon Commission (PSC), which consists of 16 Commissioners, eight for Canada and eight from the United States, was established to develop and implement procedures and programs for the achievement of the Pacific Salmon Treaty's goals. The Commission provides recommendations or advice to each party on any matter pertaining to the Treaty and serves as a forum for negotiations of annual management plans.

Appointed for the first time to the Northern Panel are Chris Barnes, Gitksan First Nations; John Brockley, past Chairman of the Sport Fishing Advisory Board; David Einarson, Fisheries and Oceans Canada; John McCulloch, manager of the Langara Island Lodge; John Murray, President of the Pacific Gillnetters Association and Ted Shepard, President of the Northern Processors Association.

Re-appointed to the Northern Panel are Ron Fowler, member of the Northern Trollers Association; Rick Haugan, member of the Northern Vessel Owners Association; Robert Hill, Tsimshian First Nations and Russ Jones, Haida First Nation.

The Northern Panel's focus is on salmon stocks originating from rivers between Cape Suckling (northern end of the Alaska Panhandle) and Cape Caution (near the northern tip of Vancouver Island).

Newly appointed members to the Southern Panel are Larry Baird, Chief, Ucluelet First Nation; Geoff Chislett, member of the British Columbia Wildlife Federation; Don Hall, member of the Herring Industry Advisory Board; Wayne Harling, a director of the British Columbia Wildlife Federation; Terry Kueber, Seafood Products Ltd.; Jeremey Maynard, Chair of the Sport Fishing Advisory Board; Peter Sakich, member of the Pacific Trollers Association and Greg Savard, Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

Re-appointed to the Southern Panel are Basil Ambers, Kwakiutl First Nation; John Legate, member of the Fishing Vessel Owners Association; Ed Lochbaum, Fisheries and Oceans Canada and John Sutcliffe, United Fishermen and Allied Workers Union.

The Southern Panel is responsible for salmon stocks that originate from rivers south of Cape Caution except for Fraser River sockeye and pink salmon in southern British Columbia and Puget Sound in Washington State.

Appointed to the newly established Transboundary Rivers Panel are Ron Chambers, councillor for the Champagne/Aishihik First Nation; Stephan Jacobs, former President of Great Glacier Salmon Ltd; Ray Kendell, Taku River gillnetter; Yvonne Tashoots, Chief of the Tahltan First Nation; John Ward, Crow Clan spokesperson for the Taku River Tlingit First Nation and Gord Zealand of Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

The newly established bilateral Transboundary Rivers Panel was created as a result of successful negotiations between Canada and the United States which resulted in a comprehensive long-term agreement under the Pacific Salmon Treaty being reached in June, 1999. The panel provides for local stakeholder input on issues affecting salmon stocks originating from the Taku, Stikine and Alsek Rivers. With watersheds almost entirely in northern British Columbia or southern Yukon, all three have their marine estuaries in the Alaska Panhandle.

"I want to express my appreciation to the out-going members of the panels for their hard work, commitment and personal contribution to the work of the Commission," said Mr. Dhaliwal. "I also welcome the newly appointed members to the Southern and Northern Panels and the newly created Transboundary Rivers Panel who bring extensive knowledge and expertise that will significantly advance Canada's conservation objectives for Pacific salmon."

The Northern and Southern Pacific Salmon Commission Panels consist of 12 members each from Canada and the United States and 6 members each for the Transboundary Rivers Panel. Panel members review post season reports, pre-season fishing plans and ongoing and planned enhancement programs. Members also provide recommendations to the PSC on the development of fishing regimes in accordance with the objective of the Pacific Salmon Treaty.

Terms of appointments to the Pacific Salmon Commission are for a duration of one to two years.

127 Members of the Canadian Section of the Pacific Salmon Commission Panels
Heather Bala
Minister’s Office
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
(613) 996-0076

Last Updated : 2003-08-07

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