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Minister Dhaliwal pays tribute to the Recipients of the 1999 Recreational Fisheries Awards

June 12, 2000

OTTAWA -- One individual and four organizations representing Canadian recreational fishing groups were honoured by the Honourable Herb Dhaliwal, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, for their commitment to protect and enhance Canada’s recreational fisheries. The presentations were held at a special reception that took place on Parliament Hill, in Ottawa, on June 12.

Minister Dhaliwal praised the accomplishments of the honourees who have shown leadership in safeguarding the future of recreational fisheries in their region. "We need individuals and groups like you," he said. "You have been recognized for your outstanding achievements from among many dedicated volunteers who give their time and energy so that we all join forces in support of the recreational fishing experience."

The Minister presented the honourees with a sterling silver commemorative medal, a certificate of merit and a wonderful book entitled Bright Waters, Bright Fish. The honourees were:

  • Richard Whitaker, of Newfoundland, for his leadership as founding President of the Salmon Association of Eastern Newfoundland, and for his vision in creating the Newfoundland Salmonid Council. This organization represents the concerns of all groups and individuals involved with recreational fisheries management in Newfoundland and Labrador.
  • The St. Mary’s River Association, of Nova Scotia, for conducting river clean-up projects, for removing obstructions and opening up new pools for Atlantic salmon; and for its outreach program to junior high school students.
  • La Fondation de la Faune du Québec, of Québec, for the creation of a program that has given 14,000 thousand children, mostly from urban areas, a one-day fishing experience on a river or lake. These children represent a new generation of Canadians who will enjoy fishing and who will learn the need for environmental stewardship.
  • Gesti-Faune Incorporée, of Québec, and in particular David Craig, who turned a foundering private fishing club into a corporate outfitter which promotes angling opportunities and exposes young people to fisheries and brook trout research.
  • Trout Unlimited Canada, of Alberta, for training a group of volunteers on fish handling, enumeration and fish release techniques that saved and returned fish to their rivers of origin. As many as 146,000 fish are stranded as a result of irrigation canals being shut off each year.

Minister Dhaliwal also stressed the importance of the recreational fishing industry in Canada. "Canada’s recreational fisheries are central to our economy, culture and heritage", he said. "Each year more than four million adult anglers spend 55 million days fishing throughout our nation. Three-quarters of a million of those anglers are visitors from other countries."

Canada’s National Recreational Fisheries Awards were created in 1989 to recognize outstanding contributions by Canadians to conserve and develop recreational fisheries and the habitat on which they depend. Canadian individuals, groups, businesses or associations, working independently from government agencies, are eligible for these awards and can be nominated by an organization or by three sponsors.

A completed nomination form, a brief history of the nominee, a description of the project or activity and letters of support from the nominators can be submitted before the nomination deadline of August 1st, 2000. Nomination forms and additional information about the process are available from:

Awards Selection Committee

Recreational Fisheries
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
200 Kent Street
Station 13093
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0E6

Telephone: (613) 993-6695

You can also find out more details about the Recreational Fisheries Awards by visiting the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Web site.

Photos available upon request

Arthur Willett
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
(613) 990-2472
Heather Bala
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
(613) 996-0076

Last Updated : 2003-08-12

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