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July 12, 2000

HUMBER-ST. BARBE-BAIE VERTE Gerry Byrne, Member of Parliament for the constituency of Humber-St. Barbe-Baie Verte, announced today on behalf of the Honourable Herb Dhaliwal, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, that the federal government will invest $3.36 million in harbour projects at La Scie, Eddies Cove West, Griquet, Frenchman’s Cove, Port Saunders, and Goose Cove in Newfoundland.

La Scie: This project consists of the reconstruction of the breakwater/wharf and repairs to the electrical system. The breakwater/wharf has outlived its life expectancy with some of the main timber in a very deteriorated condition. The project to reconstruct this structure will be carried out during the late summer and will be completed during the spring of 2001. The electrical repairs will be carried out this summer.

Eddies Cove West: This project consists of the reconstruction of the wharf. The present structure was built many years ago using untreated timber and it has reached the end of its life expectancy. The new structure will be constructed using treated timber with a new concrete deck. The reconstructed wharf should serve the needs of the fishers for many years to come.

Griquet: This harbour is used by fishers from other parts of the province when fishing in northern waters. The main wharf is very small and becomes crowded when fishing activity in the area is at its peak. A project to construct a new wharf at Griquet is planned. This will provide the much needed berthing space.

Frenchman’s Cove: This project will see the construction of a new marginal wharf adjacent to the main structure. The new marginal wharf will provide fishers with increased berthage as well as an improved service area. This work will be carried out during the late summer and fall of this year.

Port Saunders: This facility is used extensively by the fishing fleet operating in the Gulf of

St. Lawrence. The planned project consists of repairs to the marginal wharf, specifically the ladders, fenders and wheel guard along the face of the wharf. There will also be some work done to level a depressed section of the service area behind the wharf. Work will be carried out during the late summer and early fall.

Goose Cove: This project will consist in the construction of an extension on the head of the wharf, which will provide much needed berthage and protection to fishing boats using this harbour. The structure is used by fishing vessels from the community as well as larger fishing boats from other parts of the island that are fishing for shrimp and other species in northern waters.

"Harbours need consistent maintenance for their safe and efficient operations", said Gerry Byrne. "These projects will benefit all fisheries in Newfoundland and Labrador".

These projects are undertaken by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Small Craft Harbours Program, in collaboration with the Harbour Authorities who manage and operate facilities for the benefit of local users. It is this close co-operation which enables the federal government to continue to provide an operable system of harbours and facilities throughout Canada in support of commercial fishing and resident coastal communities.

William Goulding
Regional Director
Small Craft Harbours
Fisheries and Oceans
St. John’s NF
(709) 772-4499

Last Updated : 2003-08-07

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