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July 28, 2000

OTTAWA -- The Honourable Herb Dhaliwal, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, today announced additional management measures related to the remaining 2000 season for the inshore fixed gear cod fishery in Division 4RS3Pn.

The measures apply to the competitive fixed gear sector under 65’, which has been allocated 4,340 tonnes of the 7,000 tonnes total quota in this fishery. They address four main areas: the combining of licences; the access arrangement for the Gaspé fleet; the transfer of the mobile gear ITQ; and the cod by-catch in the Atlantic halibut fishery for the Gaspé fleet.

"This decision reflects what I have heard during my recent visit to Quebec and to the Atlantic provinces. These measures are intended to provide fair and reasonable access to all of the fleets in this sector for the remainder of this year recognizing the limited amount of resources available," said Minister Dhaliwal. "In the meantime, I have asked my officials to review the allocation decision process for the 2001 season and subsequent years."

The management measures recognize the viability requirement of the Gaspé fleet, which is further from the grounds, without providing any undue advantage in a competitive fishery. The opportunity to combine the operation of two licences on a single vessel is equally in response to Newfoundland fishers’ request for improved viability.

"I believe the measures announced today will offer the different fleets a possibility to harvest a fair share of this resource," Minister Dhaliwal said.

When the Gulf of St. Lawrence groundfish management plan was announced on May 12, 2000, the sector was encouraged to negotiate an agreement on temporary sharing for the 2000 fishery.

The first two seasonal openings were conducted under an interim Conservation Harvesting Plan. Since two of the five seasonal openings have already taken place and no agreement was reached, the department is implementing these measures for the remainder of this year’s fishery.

The third season opening is scheduled for July 31, 2000.

The management measures are summarized in the attached backgrounder: Additional 2000 Management Measures for 4RS3Pn cod.

David Bevan
Fisheries Management
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
(613) 990-0189

Last Updated : 2003-08-07

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