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August 11, 2000

OTTAWA -- The Department of Fisheries and Oceans today announced the details of the 2000-2002 Atlantic Swordfish Management Plan. The Canadian quota for Atlantic Swordfish will be 999 tonnes in 2000 and 1,018 tonnes in each of the following two years. Annual quota adjustments may be made depending on the total Canadian catch from the previous year.

For 2000, the Canadian quota will be allocated between the longline gear sector and the harpoon fleet. The directed longline quota will be approximately 830 tonnes and the harpoon fleet quota will be 114 tonnes. Within the harpoon sector, 108 tonnes have been allocated to those licences that have been active in any of the past four years (1996-1999). Any unused quota may be transferred from one sector to the other. The balance of the Canadian quota will be allocated as by-catch in the Bigeye, albacore and yellowfin tuna fishery.

The swordfish fishery will be closely monitored to ensure compliance with provisions of the management plan, the regulations and licence conditions respecting the fishery. Monitoring controls include at-sea observer coverage, at-sea reporting requirements, log books, Fishery Officer inspections and industry funded dockside monitoring.

Swordfish are managed by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). As a member of ICCAT, Canada has been instrumental in promoting international conservation measures for Atlantic swordfish. Canada and the Atlantic swordfish industry also co-operate closely to enhance conservation controls for the long-term recovery and stability of the swordfish stock in the North Atlantic. The Atlantic Canadian industry also contributes to the scientific assessment of the stock.

Swordfish are highly migratory, large pelagic fish that range throughout the North and South Atlantic. They can be found in Canadian waters from May to November, primarily along the edge of Georges Bank, the Scotian Shelf and the Grand Banks. The Canadian fishery occurs in these areas.

The 2000 longline and harpoon fishery is currently underway. The attached backgrounder provides some details of the Integrated Fishery Management Plan for 2000-2002.

Valerie Bradshaw
Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Maritimes Region
(902) 426-7198
 Bruce Mayne
Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Newfoundland Region
(709) 772-4472

Last Updated : 2003-08-07

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