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Nunavut CrestNR-HQ-00-78E


August 16, 2000

IQALUIT – Herb Dhaliwal, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), and Peter Kilabuk, Minister for the Nunavut Department of Sustainable Development (DSD), today signed a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen cooperation on emerging fisheries development in Nunavut.

The Ministers also committed to further enhance cooperation in service delivery. An Agreement, to be finalized this fall, will address the development of mutually beneficial operating arrangements to increase the effectiveness of joint fisheries management efforts already taking place between the two governments.

"The fishery is already a significant part of Nunavut life, and its continued development will create even more important economic opportunities for the people of this region," Mr. Dhaliwal said. "I am pleased to be working with my colleague to strengthen this sector and to maximize the benefits it will bring to the people of Nunavut. As always, conservation of the resource will be the principle that will guide us toward successful and sustainable fisheries opportunities for generations to come."

"We have actively worked towards the development and diversification of fisheries through participation in exploratory fisheries and resource surveys," Mr. Kilabuk said. "I look forward to our joint efforts which will play an important role in Nunavut’s economic future. I also look forward to the support of industry, which will be necessary to achieve results for specific initiatives."

The two governments will cooperate on maximizing marketing opportunities; promoting regional development; encouraging public and private sector cooperation; and, ensuring the most sustainable and economically viable use of under-exploited fishery resources for the benefit of Nunavut.

To ensure the conservation of the resource, scientific support will be key to the development of emerging fisheries. Initiatives will proceed cautiously to better understand the impact of new fisheries on fish stocks and the ecosystem. Fisheries and Oceans Canada will work to provide scientific support and develop scientific capacity, and the Government of Nunavut will assist in data collection, evaluation and analysis of results.

There are currently a number of emerging fisheries on species such as crab, kelp, sea urchin and clams planned or already underway in Nunavut. As part of the agreement, the Nunavut Department of Sustainable Development will identify a strategy each year for specific fisheries development initiatives. In response, DFO will consider applications for exploratory licences required for each species covered by the strategy. The strategy for 2000-2001 is outlined in the attached backgrounder.

In consultation with industry, an Emerging Fisheries and Seafood Diversification Committee will also be established to develop annual fisheries diversification work plans to advance the commercialization of new species opportunities. Initiatives will be conducted in a manner consistent with the provisions of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement.


Heather Bala
Office of the Minister
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
(613) 996-0076
 Carey Bonnell
Director of Fisheries and Sealing
Government of Nunavut
(867) 975-5954
Burt Hunt
Eastern Arctic Area Office
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
(867) 979-8002

Last Updated : 2003-08-07

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