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August 28, 2000

OTTAWA -- Herb Dhaliwal, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, today announced the appointment of members to the eight-member Canadian section of the Pacific Salmon Commission. He also announced re-appointments of members to the Fraser River Panel.

The Pacific Salmon Commission (PSC), which consists of 16 commissioners, eight from Canada and eight from the United States, was established by both countries to develop and implement procedures and programs for the achievement of the Pacific Salmon Treaty’s goals. The Commission provides recommendations or advice to each party on any matter pertaining to the Treaty and serves as a forum for evaluating and making recommendations on shared salmon stocks.

Appointed as commissioners to the PSC are: Donna Petrachenko, Regional Director-General of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Pacific Region, who will serve as Chair of the Canadian section of the Commission; Christine Hunt, representative of the Province of British Columbia; and Ron Fowler, member of the Northern Trollers Association. Ms. Hunt and Mr. Fowler will serve as commissioners until October 2001 and Ms. Petrachenko, the federal government representative, will serve indefinitely.

"I want to welcome the newly appointed Commissioners who bring with them a broad diversity of knowledge on issues related to the salmon fishery and industry," said Mr. Dhaliwal. "This knowledge will ensure that the work of the Commission will continue to benefit both the salmon resource and those who rely on this resource for their livelihood.

"I also want to express my appreciation to the out-going members of the Commission, in particular Mr. Pat Chamut, who has been head to the Canadian delegation of the Pacific Salmon Commission since 1989, for their dedication and personal commitment to ensuring that conservation and enhancement of the salmon resource remained a priority for Canada. This commitment led to a long-term agreement being reached in 1999, for the management of the salmon fisheries with the United States under the Pacific Salmon Treaty."

The agreement signals a cooperative, conservation-based approach to the management of Pacific salmon fisheries, and a more equitable sharing of salmon catches between Canada and the United States.

Re-appointed to the Fraser River Panel of the Pacific Salmon Commission are Brian Assu, Cape Mudge Band; Murray Chatwin, Oceans Fishery Ltd.; Mike Griswold, Area H, licence holder; Lilly Johnson, Esketeme First Nations; Terry Lubzinski, commercial gillnet fisherman and member of the United Fishermen and Allied Workers’ Union; Susan McKamay, Lakahahamen Band; Bill Otway, recreational sector representative; Les Rombough, Area D, Salmon Gillnet Association; Wayne Saito, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, who will continue to Chair the Fraser River Panel; Stan Watterson, Pacific Trollers Association; and Larry Wick, Fishing Vessel Owners Association.

The Fraser River Panel members provide advice on in-season management actions and related operational issues for Fraser sockeye and pink salmon. Members are appointed to the panel for terms of one to two years.

"The health of the salmon resource on the Fraser River is of significant importance and the expertise and experience of the returning members to the Panel is invaluable to the conservation of the salmon stocks," said Mr. Dhaliwal. "I appreciate that the members have accepted to remain on the Panel."

Lists of members are attached.
Members of the Canadian section of the Pacific Salmon Commission
Members of the Fraser River Panel of the Pacific Salmon Commission

Heather Bala
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
(613) 996-0076

Last Updated : 2003-08-07

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