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September 15, 2000

DARTMOUTH, N.S. – The Honourable Bernie Boudreau, Leader of the Government in the Senate and Minister responsible for Nova Scotia, on behalf of Fisheries and Oceans Minister Herb Dhaliwal and Environment Minister David Anderson, today announced that $300,000 has been committed for year 2000, under Canada's Habitat Stewardship Program, for projects to save the endangered North Atlantic Right Whale.

Projects include a number of initiatives ranging from finding ways to prevent accidental at sea collisions and whale entanglements, to research to increase knowledge of this enormous cetacean. One study, already underway, will evaluate modifications to fishing gear to prevent whales from becoming entangled in fishing nets. Another, will focus on finding ways to avoid collisions between vessels and whales, using a real-time acoustic warning system. Research projects will discover more about how the elusive whale lives, breeds, and dies. Projects will also focus on educating mariners and the public about eastern Canada Right Whale habitat.

"There is a spirit of stewardship and an atmosphere of cooperation, responsibility and vision among the groups involved in this important work," Senator Boudreau said. "Whale groups, environmental groups, fishermen, mariners, government and researchers are working together to provide critical support for the recovery of this marine mammal, the most endangered large whale in the world."

"The Habitat Stewardship Program was designed to support community involvement in worthy species at risk undertakings, such as the Right Whale. These community initiatives will help to bolster this endangered whale species now and in the years ahead," said Senator Boudreau.

The Habitat Stewardship Program was announced with the recently tabled Species at Risk legislation. The Government announced the program in Budget 2000, earmarking $90-million over three years to species at risk.The Habitat Stewardship Program will provide funds for a number of Right Whale research and conservation projects submitted by groups and agencies. The groups will be required to provide matching in-kind funding.

This is the fourth announcement under the new Government of Canada’s Habitat Stewardship Program. The following were announced earlier this year:

  • July 31, 2000 -- $1 million to help conserve habitat and species at risk in the
    South Okanagan-Similkameen region in B.C.;
  • July 13, 2000 -- $410,000 for the Coteau Project in Saskatchewan protecting species such as the Ferruginous Hawk, the Northern Leopard Frog, the Piping Plover and the
    Burrowing Owl, over a 23,000 km2 area;
  • July 22, 2000 -- $200,000 for recovery of the critically endangered Eastern Loggerhead Shrike, a bird once common in Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec.

For more information on habitat stewardship or on species at risk, visit Environment Canada’s Green Lane at or Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s Website at

Jerry Conway
Species at Risk Coordinator
Fisheries & Oceans Canada
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
(902) 426-6947

Last Updated : 2003-08-12

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