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Appointments to the Pacific Salmon Commission

May 1, 2001

OTTAWA -- Herb Dhaliwal, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, today announced the appointment of a Commissioner to the Pacific Salmon Commission and appointments and re-appointments of members of the Southern, Transboundary Rivers, Northern and Fraser River Panels of the Commission.

The Pacific Salmon Commission (PSC), which consists of 16 Commissioners, eight from Canada and eight from the United States, was established to develop and implement procedures and programs to achieve the goals of the Pacific Salmon Treaty.

PSC panel members review post season reports, pre-season fishing plans and ongoing and planned enhancement programs for Canada and the United States. The panels provide recommendations to the PSC on the development of fishing regimes in accordance with the objectives of the Pacific Salmon Treaty.

"I want to thank the out-going members of the Commission for their dedication, and for their efforts to conserve Pacific salmon," said Mr. Dhaliwal. "I would also like to welcome the newly appointed members who, through their previous commitment to enhance this resource, will provide important management advice to the individual panels."

Appointed as Commissioner is Russ Jones.

Appointed as member and Vice-Chair to the Southern Panel is Randy Brahniuk, Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

Re-appointed to the Southern Panel are Larry Baird, First Nations; Geoff Chislett, recreational fishery sector; Don Hall, communities representative; Wayne Harling, recreational fishery sector; Terry Kueber, commercial fishery sector; and Peter Sakich, commercial fishery sector.

The Southern Panel is responsible for salmon stocks that originate from rivers south of Cape Caution except for Fraser River sockeye and pink salmon in southern British Columbia and Puget Sound in Washington State. This panel consists of twelve members, including a chairperson.

Re-appointed to the Transboundary Rivers Panel are Stephan Jacob, commercial fishery sector; Yvonne Tashoots, First Nations; and John Ward, First Nations.

The Transboundary Rivers Panel provides for local stakeholder input on issues affecting salmon stocks originating from the Taku, Stikine and Alsek Rivers. This panel consists of six members, including a chairperson.

Appointed for the first time to the Northern Panel is Bill DeGrief, commercial troll sector. Bruce Shepherd, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, is appointed as Vice-Chair.

Re-appointed to the Northern Panel are Chris Barnes, First Nations; John McCulloch, recreational fishery sector; John Murray, commercial fishery sector; and Ted Shepard, commercial fishery sector.

The Northern Panel’s focus is on salmon stocks originating from rivers between Cape Suckling (northern end of the Alaska Panhandle) and Cape Caution (near the northern tip of Vancouver Island). This panel consists of twelve members including a chairperson.

Appointed as member and Vice-Chair to the Fraser River Panel is Paul Ryall, Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

The Fraser River Panel provides advice on the in-season management actions and related operational issues for Fraser sockeye and pink salmon in southern British Columbia. This panel consists of twelve members, including a chairperson.

159 Members of the Canadian Section of the Pacific Salmon Commission
Heather Bala
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
(613) 996-0076
Paul Sprout
A/Associate Assistant
Deputy Minister, Fisheries Management
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
(613) 990-7201

Last Updated : 2003-08-06

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