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André Harvey announces a $375,000 federal investment at St-Gédéon (Les Îles), Québec

May 17, 2001

CHICOUTIMI – André Harvey, Member of Parliament for the constituency of Chicoutimi – Le Fjord, announced today on behalf of the Honourable Herb Dhaliwal, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, that the federal government will invest $375,000 in harbour improvements at St-Gédéon (Les Îles), Québec. This project will be undertaken under the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Recreational Harbour Divestiture Program.

"This project is important to the community in terms of providing access to improved harbour facilities," said Mr. Harvey.

The project will be carried out in three separate phases. The existing wharf is currently being partly demolished and consolidated along its entire perimeter by means of riprap. In early summer, a system of floating wharves and a gangway will be installed in order to maintain the wharf as a marine facility. Finally, the deck of the consolidated wharf will be repaved with asphalt concrete during the fall.

The contract for the initial phase, currently underway, was awarded to Nordex Enr. of Alma. Separate requests for proposals will be issued during the year for the subsequent phases of the project as weather and technical conditions permit.

On completion of the work, ownership of the harbour facilities, access road and other parcels of land owned by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) at this location will be transferred to the municipality of Saint-Gédéon de Grandmont. This is pursuant to an agreement with the municipal authorities and as provided for under the Recreational Harbour Divestiture Program launched by DFO in 1995.

Gervais Bouchard
Acting Regional Director
Small Craft Harbours Branch
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Quebec, Quebec
(418) 649-6569

Last Updated : 2003-08-06

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