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Hubbard announces federal investment of $1.6 Million for improvements at Small Craft Harbours in Miramichi, New Brunswick

May 28, 2001

MIRAMICHI -- Charles Hubbard, Member of Parliament for the constituency of Miramichi, announced today on behalf of the Honourable Herb Dhaliwal, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, that the federal government will invest $1.6 million in harbour improvements at several fishing harbours in New Brunswick.

"I am pleased to announce this $1.6 million in federal funding to improve the harbours in Miramichi," said Mr. Hubbard. "These projects are important for these communities and will be of direct benefit to fishers by giving them access to safer and more efficient harbours."

At Cap-de-Saint-Louis a new concrete deck will be installed on a 200-metre section of wharf. This project will greatly improve the operations at the harbour.

The wharves at Loggiecroft and Pointe-Sapin will be repaired to safe standards.

Emergency dredging and wharf repairs will be carried out at McEacherns Point in order to restore safe operating conditions at the harbour.

The following two projects, relating to last fall’s storm damage, are on track. At Escuminac, work in progress includes the installation of a new concrete deck and final repairs to the spraywall. At Pointe-Sapin, dredging of the basin was recently completed.

Smaller projects are planned at three other sites. These include the construction of a haulout at Lower Neguac, partial paving of the service area at Neguac and minor maintenance dredging at Bay-du-Vin.

These projects will be undertaken by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Small Craft Harbours Program, in close collaboration with the Harbour Authorities which manage and operate these facilities for the benefit of local users. It is this close cooperation with clients that enables the federal government to continue to provide an operable system of harbours and facilities throughout Canada in support of commercial fisheries.

Maurice Girouard
Regional Director
Small Craft Harbours
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Moncton, New Brunswick
(506) 851-6581

Last Updated : 2003-08-06

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