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Dhaliwal and Cuzner Announce Federal Funding of $ 3.8 Million for Harbour Improvements at Several Fishing Harbours in Nova Scotia

June 18, 2001

PORT MORIEN – Rodger Cuzner, Member of Parliament for the constituency of Bras d’Or-Cape Breton and the Honourable Herb Dhaliwal, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, announced today that the Government of Canada will invest $3.8 million in harbour improvement projects at several fishing harbours in Nova Scotia.

"The Department of Fisheries and Oceans recognizes the importance of small craft harbours for your communities and for your livelihoods," said Mr. Dhaliwal. "Because of this, we are committed to maintaining a core group of harbours in support of your fishing communities, and to ensure that our facilities meet your needs now and in the future."

"This investment demonstrates the federal government’s commitment to provide safe and functional facilities for the commercial fishers in Nova Scotia," said Mr. Cuzner. "This $3.8 million investment by the Government of Canada will go a long way in improving several fishing harbours in this area."

A project at Finlay Point will involve the reconstruction of 85 metres of marginal wharf, which is presently barricaded, in order to restore it to safe operating conditions. Construction is expected to start in late July and is scheduled for completion in November. The Harbour Authority will provide all project management and on-site inspection services for the project as well as a significant labour component towards the total project cost.

At Grand Etang, an 80-metre rubblemound breakwater will be constructed on the southeast side of the existing wharf facilities. Construction is scheduled to commence in early September with project completion scheduled for late December. The Harbour Authority will provide all project management and on-site inspection services for the project, as well as a cash contribution towards the total project cost.

A project at Glace Bay will consist of removing the remaining 30 metres of the outer section of the marginal steel sheet pile wharf. This section, as well as the remaining submerged steel sheet pile structure, will be encased with rubblemound. This new structure will absorb the wave agitation, reduce infilling, improve navigation capabilities and provide access for any future dredging required at the harbour. Work is expected to start in the fall.

A harbour development project at Little Judique Ponds will consist of dredging, breakwater construction, marginal wharf construction and the installation of floating wharves. This development is intended to centralize fishing harbour activity in the Little Judique area and therefore reduce long-term maintenance costs.

Substantial pre-engineering work has already occurred and tender documents will be prepared shortly in conjunction with the local Harbour Authority. Construction is expected to start in September with project completion in the spring of 2002. It is anticipated that the Harbour Authority will be contributing a labour component towards certain aspects of the project as well as inspection services.

In addition to this centralization project, departmental officials are negotiating details regarding the transfer of Little Judique Harbour to the local Harbour Authority.

At Port Morien, the project will consist of repairing the existing deteriorated concrete caisson wharf by installing a new reinforced concrete copewall along the entire wharf length. The work should be underway by early August with completion scheduled for November. The Harbour Authority will be providing project management and inspection services.

The project at Margaree Harbour will consist of reconstructing the existing rubblemound breakwater, which has been severely damaged over the years. Construction will most likely occur during the winter months in order to take advantage of the shelter of ice and will conclude by the end of February 2002. The local Harbour Authority will be fully involved in the planning stage and will also provide project management and inspection services throughout the project.

Also, projects that began last year at two other harbours will be completed in the upcoming months. These include wharf repairs at Cheticamp and the reconstruction of the breakwater at Mabou.

These projects will be carried out by the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans, as part of its Small Craft Harbours program, in cooperation with the harbour authorities, which manage and operate the facilities for local users. Such close cooperation with clients allows the federal government to continue to provide an operable system of harbours and facilities throughout Canada in support of commercial fishers.

Maurice Girouard, Regional Director
Small Craft Harbours
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Moncton, New Brunswick
(506) 851-6581

Last Updated : 2003-08-06

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