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Dhaliwal Establishes Independent Panel on Access Criteria

June 28, 2001

OTTAWA -- Herb Dhaliwal, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, today announced the creation and membership of an Independent Panel on Access Criteria (IPAC). The Panel’s mandate will be to review decision-making criteria and processes for providing new or additional access in Atlantic commercial fisheries, which experience substantial increases in quota or value.

Members of the IPAC, appointed by the Minister based on their impartiality and their qualifications to address the group’s mandate, consist of Arthur Kroeger, C.C. (IPAC Chair), Professor Martha Jackman, Dr. Paul LeBlond, Professor Gordon Munro, and Professor David Newhouse.

"Decisions regarding access to commercial fisheries are of significant importance to stakeholders, who have repeatedly requested greater clarity around the access criteria and the decision-making process," Minister Dhaliwal said. "I am very pleased with the appointment of this panel and am confident their work will assist in providing that clarity and establishing a more transparent process for access decisions." The IPAC's work will conclude with the submission of a report to the Minister by the Fall of 2001.

The IPAC will review decision-making criteria for new or additional access in Atlantic commercial fisheries that have undergone a substantial increase in resource abundance or landed value, or for new/emerging fisheries. The IPAC will also provide general advice on the process used for taking access decisions, including ways to ensure transparency and openness.

The work of the IPAC is a component of the broader and more comprehensive Atlantic Fisheries Policy Review (AFPR) that is already underway. The IPAC's recommendations will contribute to the development and implementation of a policy framework for the long-term, sustainable management of Atlantic fisheries.

The IPAC's terms of reference and composition were developed in consultation with the Atlantic Council of Fisheries and Aquaculture Ministers. The External Advisory Board to the AFPR, made up of stakeholder representatives and established to provide advice throughout the AFPR process, was also consulted on the IPAC's mandate and membership.

The work of the IPAC and the AFPR will not replace the processes led by the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs or DFO for interpreting and accommodating Aboriginal and treaty rights to commercial fisheries access, or for addressing specific issues emerging from increased participation in the commercial fishery.

176 Independent Panel on Access Criteria (IPAC):
Mandate and Objectives
177 Independent Panel on Access Criteria (IPAC): Membership
Heather Bala
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
(613) 996-0076
Myriam Brochu
Manager, Media Relations
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
(613) 998-1530

Last Updated : 2003-08-06

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