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National Fishing Week reeling in Canadians

June 29, 2001

OTTAWA -- This week, Canadians will be posting signs in their windows…"Gone Fishing". National Fishing Week, which casts off July 1 and extends through July 8, is a partnership of the federal, provincial and territorial governments as well as the Canadian National Sportfishing Foundation (CNSF).

Herb Dhaliwal, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, is inviting all Canadians to share time with friends and family members on Canada’s lakes, rivers, streams and ponds during this special week. "Fishing is part of our heritage and our culture. For generations, Canadians have enjoyed this wonderful outdoor pastime and have learned the need to respect this amazing resource and to use it wisely."

Fisheries and Oceans Canada, the provinces, territories and the recreational fishing industry have contributed in excess of $230,000 to support this awareness campaign. The major themes include:

  • to promote the personal benefits of the activity of fishing to children, families and individuals;
  • to reinforce the notion that recreational fishing is a fundamental element of Canada’s heritage;
  • to reiterate the need to protect and conserve fish populations and aquatic habitat;
  • to promote abundant recreational fishing opportunities in Canada’s urban areas;
  • to educate anglers of the need for fishing and boating safety;
  • to provide basic information that will help would-be anglers to enjoy the activity of fishing; and
  • to adopt the practice of live-release.

Rick Amsbury, the Executive director of the CNSF, welcomes the support of government fisheries agencies. "This program serves as a teaching device to reinforce the need for responsible use of the resource. As a side-benefit, it reminds would-be anglers that fishing is an inexpensive and readily accessible activity that encourages family togetherness. This would not have been possible without the vision and the support of all of Canada’s ministers responsible for fisheries and the cooperation of fishing-related organizations and businesses."

National Fishing Week organizers are also using the event to promote boating safety and distributing information around Canada’s recent boating regulations amendments aimed at maximizing the safe enjoyment of the activity, especially for children.

"I would like to remind all recreational boaters to boat safely to ensure maximum enjoyment on the water," said Mr. Dhaliwal. " I also want to remind young boaters to carry their operator cards when operating their power boat."

Special fishing-related events are planned for communities in most provinces and territories. National Fishing Week will be held annually during the first full week of July.

To find out about national fishing week events in your area you can visit the Canadian National Sportfishing website at: or the joint federal-provincial website at:

To obtain general boating safety information, contact the Boating Safety Infoline at 1-800-267-6687.

Heather Bala
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
(613) 996-0076

Rick Amsbury
Canadian National Sportfishing Foundation

Myriam Brochu
Manager, Media Relations
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
(613) 998-1530

Last Updated : 2003-08-06

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