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2001 Quotas for Georges Bank Groundfish Stocks

August 10, 2001

OTTAWA – The Honourable Herb Dhaliwal, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, today announced increases in the Total Allowable Catch (TAC) for the 2001 Canadian quotas for Georges Bank groundfish stocks for this year’s season. The fishery opened in early June 2001.

The Minister announced a 31% increase in the Canadian quota for the Georges Bank cod fishery (up from 1,600 tonnes in 2000 to 2,100 tonnes in 2001) for this year. The Minister also announced a 29% increase in the Canadian quota for haddock (up from 5,400 tonnes in 2000 to 6,985 tonnes in 2001) and a 15% increase in the yellowtail flounder quota (up from 3,000 tonnes in 2000 to 3,450 tonnes for 2001).

"In taking this decision, I considered the recommendations of the Fisheries Resource Conservation Council as well as the impact that the Canadian quota levels would have on the ongoing discussions with the United States with regards to joint management and sharing of these stocks," said Minister Dhaliwal. "I have also considered the recommendations of the Gulf of Maine Advisory Committee (GOMAC) in establishing the Canadian quotas for this year’s fishery given that all of these stocks continue to show signs of rebuilding. I have decided that for 2001, the best approach is to follow the GOMAC recommendations, and at the same time, continue discussions with the United States on conservation and management of these important stocks."

The GOMAC represents Canadian industry on Georges Bank issues. Georges Bank groundfish stocks are transboundary and fished by Canadian and American fishermen in their respective waters. Discussions have been on-going at the regional level with participation by government and industry representatives from New England and the Scotia-Fundy region with the goal of establishing a common harvesting strategy and equitable sharing arrangements for the transboundary Georges Bank cod, haddock and yellowtail resources.

"These stocks are important to fishermen from both Canada and the United States and it is in the interest of both countries that more formal arrangements be put in place," said Minister Dhaliwal. "It will be important that an effective rebuilding harvest strategy, most specifically for cod, be put in place in the establishment of the common Canada/United States harvest strategy.

Chris Annand
Senior Advisor, Groundfish
Maritimes Region
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
(902) 426-3514
Wendy Williams
Communications Manager
Maritimes Region
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
(902) 426-6409

Last Updated : 2003-08-06

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