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Dhaliwal salutes recipients of the 2000 Recreational Fisheries Awards

October 1, 2001

OTTAWA -- Two individuals and three organizations representing the Canadian recreational fishing community were honoured today by Herb Dhaliwal, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, in appreciation of their outstanding contribution to the protection and enhancement of Canada’s recreational fisheries. The presentations were made at a special reception that took place on Parliament Hill, in Ottawa.

"I am pleased to recognize the determination of the recipients and their commitment to safeguard our natural heritage," said Mr. Dhaliwal. "Because of their efforts, and those of all who are dedicated to protecting our aquatic resources, there is an awareness among Canadians that the recreational fishery is an activity that must be enhanced and protected."

The Minister presented the recipients with a sterling silver commemorative medal and a certificate of merit. The recipients are:

  • Jeremy Maynard, British Columbia, for his work on behalf of recreational anglers and his direct involvement with resource rebuilding projects in British Columbia. For many years he has been an active participant in the British Columbia branch of the Steelhead Society and has helped raise over $100,000 for the Society for investment in local conservation enhancement projects. He is a hands-on volunteer and is active in the local stewardship community in the Campbell River area, working with other volunteers to conduct adult salmon assessment in several local streams. Mr. Maynard’s efforts in conservation extend beyond salmon to management issues involving other ocean species such as crab, prawns, shrimp, halibut lingcod and rockfish.
  • Winnipeg’s Urban Angling Partnership, Manitoba, made up of the Manitoba Wildlife Federation, Fish Futures Inc., the Mid-Canada Marine Dealers Association, the City of Winnipeg and the Complete Angler, for its contribution to a better understanding of the recreational fisheries resource in Winnipeg and the promotion of the basics of recreational fishing through the Learn to Fish Program. These programs have provided 1,000 children with the opportunity to experience a fishing adventure, and through children’s fishing camps co-sponsored by the UAP, it has introduced fishing life skills to youth.
  • Conservation Faune Aquatique Québec Inc., Québec, for its commitment to bringing together individuals and wildlife users interested in the protection, development and harvesting of our wildlife resources. Its key objectives are the clean-up and development of the rivers and streams, lakes and wildlife habitat throughout Quebec. In 1991, this non-profit organization launched a project for the revitalization and development of the wildlife capability of the 7.2-km Rivière des Commisssaires. With help from approximately 500 volunteers, more than 6000 trees and shrubs have been planted, river banks have been stabilized and reinforced and the river has been stocked with 10,000 speckled trout.
  • Southeastern Anglers Association, New Brunswick, established in 1993, for its activities related to the protection of the rivers in South Eastern New Brunswick. Genuine commitment to preservation for future generations, education and awareness is one of the goals behind the association’s development of a school incubation and salmon hatching program for young people. The association also conducts studies and programs such as by-catch surveys, trout stocking, broodstock collecting and stream surveys that enhance rivers and improve sport fishing opportunities. 
  • Jack Cooper, Labrador, owner of the Minipi Lake Resort, for recognizing the fragile eco-system in which the unique strain of Eastern brook trout exists and for implementing the practice of catch and release which is now an established standard for guests who stay at his lodge. He became the first resort owner to impose catch and release of all fish angled with a "one fish per week limit for guests at the lodge". In addition, he continues to record catch statistics of trout for annual comparisons of catch rates and stock characteristics. Mr. Cooper has also financially supported research on the Eastern brook trout populations to ensure that Minipi Lake in not overfished.

"The recreational fishing industry is a significant economic activity that promotes tourism in Canada," said Mr. Dhaliwal. "Recreational fishing is enjoyed by more than 4 million adult anglers who spend more than $7 billion each year. Three-quarters of a million of these anglers are visitors from other countries, many for the specific purpose of recreational fishing."

Canada’s National Recreational Fisheries Awards were created in 1989 to recognize outstanding contributions by Canadians to conserve and develop recreational fisheries and the habitat on which they depend. Canadian individuals, groups, businesses or associations, working independently from government agencies, are eligible for these awards and can be nominated by an organization or by three sponsors.

A completed nomination form, a brief history of the nominee, a description of the project or activity and letters of support from the nominators can be submitted at any time during the year. Nomination forms and additional information about the process are available from:

The Recreational Fisheries Awards Program

Fisheries and Oceans Canada
200 Kent Street
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0E6

Telephone: (613) 993-6695
Fax: (613) 990-9691

Photos available upon request.

You can also find out more details about the Recreational Fisheries Awards by visiting the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Web site at:

Heather Bala
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
(613) 996-0076
Arthur Willett
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
(613) 990-2472

Last Updated : 2003-08-12

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