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Dhaliwal opens U.N. Meeting on protection of the marine environment from land-based activities - tables Canada's progress report

November 26, 2001

MONTREAL -- The Honourable Herb Dhaliwal, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, today opened the United Nations Intergovernmental Review Meeting of the Global Programme of Action by tabling Canada’s National Report on progress in implementing a National Programme of Action. The National Report outlines the progress Canada has made in preventing pollution of the marine environment from harmful land-based activities.

The meeting — being held in Montreal, November 26–30, 2001 — is hosted by the United Nations Environment Programme and the Government of Canada. On behalf of the federal government, Minister Dhaliwal tabled Canada’s National Report to illustrate the leadership Canada has shown in preserving a healthy oceans heritage for present and future generations.

"This report outlines the excellent progress Canada has made in preventing pollution and protecting our fragile marine environment," said Minister Dhaliwal. "It also describes over 90 co-operative programs in place at the national, provincial, territorial and local levels that are having a positive and lasting impact in our marine environment."

"Canada is fortunate to have some of the strongest environmental legislation in the world," added Environment Minister David Anderson. "The programs outlined in the report are further proof of Canada’s commitment — at all levels — to prevent pollution and protect the environment."

In November 1995, Canada joined 108 other countries in adopting the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities (GPA), which recognized the need for concerted action by every coastal state to protect the marine environment from the negative impacts of land-based activities.

The meeting in Montreal is an opportunity for nations to assess the progress that countries have made over the last six years in responding to the challenge of land-based marine pollution. More than 500 participants, including senior representatives from over 100 governments, multiple international organizations, global and regional non-governmental groups, and the private sector, are attending.

The outcomes of the meeting will also feed into important upcoming events including the Conference on Oceans and Coasts in Paris, France next week, in which the Minister will participate, and the World Summit on Sustainable Development in South Africa in September 2002.

The full text of Minister Dhaliwal’s speech is available at: For more information on Canada’s National Programme of Action and National Report, please visit the following website:

Working together to protect and promote Canada's oceans

Minister Dhaliwal at UNEP

Heather Bala
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
(613) 996-0076

Shannon Sheil
Local GPA/IGR Media Co-ordinator
Government of Canada Host Departments
Cellular: (613) 276-3227
Montréal: (514) 392-1186

Michel Cléroux
Media Relations
Environment Canada
(819) 953-4016

Robert Bisset
UNEP Press Officer
Tel: 1 514 392-1186
Mobile: +33-6-2272-5842
Delta Hotel: 1.514 879-1370 (fax: 879-1831)


Last Updated : 2003-08-06

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