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NR-MAR-01-05E April 24, 2001

Dhaliwal Accepts the FRCC's TAC Recommendations for Stocks off Nova Scotia and the Bay of Fundy

Dartmouth, N.S. -- The Honourable Herb Dhaliwal, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, announced today that most of the total allowable catches (TACs) for groundfish stocks off Nova Scotia and in the Bay of Fundy will remain the same as last year. This announcement follows recommendations made to the Minister by the Fisheries Resource Conservation Council (FRCC) in its January 18, 2001 report.

The FRCC continues to express concern over the status of groundfish stocks off Nova Scotia. For this reason, I have accepted the TAC levels recommended by the FRCC for 2001, said Mr. Dhaliwal. I am confident that the TACs announced today will rebuild a sustainable and economically viable fishery.

The only departure from last year's TAC levels are 4VsW skate, which will decrease from 600 tonnes to 400 tonnes; Unit II redfish, which has decreased by 2,000 tonnes to a TAC of 8,000 tonnes, and Atlantic halibut which will increase slightly by 150 tonnes to 1,150 tonnes. Although the industry requested a greater increase in the Atlantic halibut TAC to 1500 tonnes, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) will not consider setting a TAC above 1150 tonnes until the next assessment of halibut is undertaken. The industry also wanted an increase in by-catch for white hake; this issue will be reviewed to ensure that directed fisheries can continue while by-catch levels remain low. We must take a conservation-minded approach to this issue and recognize the fishing industry's interest in achieving a sustainable fishery, said Minister Dhaliwal.

The Minister also announced that DFO will continue with its three-year rebuilding plan for 4X cod. This is the second year of the plan and although the FRCC expressed concern over its status, current projections indicate that DFO is on track to meet the objective by 2003 of rebuilding stock biomass to levels not seen since the 1980s. A TAC of 6000 tonnes will remain in place this year.

As a result of today's announcement, the silver hake developmental fishery is extended another five years for D'Eon Fisheries Ltd. and it will continue to receive 25 percent of the TAC. However, the use of foreign vessels in this fishery will be gradually phased out.

I am prepared to let foreign vessels participate in the developmental fishery over the next two years only with a maximum of one vessel per year, said Minister Dhaliwal. D'Eon Fisheries Ltd. must acquire domestic harvesting capacity by 2006 to continue to receive an allocation.

The TAC for silver hake will remain at 20 000 tonnes in 2001. Existing Canadian groundfish licence holders will receive 73 percent of the available quota and D`Eon Fisheries Ltd. will receive 25 percent. The remaining 2 percent will continue to be allocated to France under our existing treaty obligation.

In addition to the TACs, DFO will work with industry to implement a number of conservation measures proposed by the FRCC. Despite the FRCC recommendations, the expansion of the sentinel and index fisheries for 4VN cod, the implementation of a directed fishery for 4VW haddock will not be undertaken this year. The establishment of an exclusion zone to protect juvenile cod in the Bird Island area is currently under consideration.

The TACs for each stock are summarized in the attached backgrounder: Year 2001 TAC Levels for Groundfish Stocks off Nova Scotia and the Bay of Fundy.

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For more information, contact:

Wendy Williams
Communications Manager
Fisheries & Oceans Canada
(902) 426-6409

Last Modified : 2002-12-04