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  Children with Special Needs
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  Frequently Asked Questions

Child Care Programs for Children with Special Needs

There are integrated child care programs (private-home child care and centre-based child care) that serve children with special needs up to the age of 18 years.

In addition, there are some recreation programs that provide supervision for children and may include activities such as sport, fitness, arts and culture activities, youth leadership, camping and outdoor education for children with special needs from six to 18 years of age.

What funding and/or services are provided under this program?

Funding is provided for staff, equipment, supplies, services and administration to meet the special needs of children with disabilities who are in licensed child care programs or approved recreation programs. 

Fee subsidies provide financial assistance toward the cost of licensed child care or approved recreation programs for eligible parents.

Who is eligible for this program?

  • Children with a special need up to the age of 18 are eligible for licensed child care services, including child care centres and private-home day care.
  • Children with a special need aged six to 18 are eligible for approved recreational programs that have purchase of service agreements with the child care delivery agent.

How do I apply for this program?

Ministry of Children and Youth Services regional offices and Ontario Early Years Centres can help you find local child care and recreational programs for children with special needs.

Who do I contact for more information?

For more information, contact your closest MCYS Regional Office, your local Ontario Early Years Centre or ask the centre's operator for the name of a government agency you can contact for more information about child care subsidies.

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