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House of Commons - Chamber Business

35th Parliament, 2nd Session
(February 27, 1996 - April 27, 1997)

Hansard Index

The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 2nd Session. The numbers following the subject entries refer to the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard. The Index is updated daily throughout the session.

To use the Index, select one of the alphabetical ranges below. When you have located your subject entry, click on the numbers within the brackets to see the relevant page in the Debates. Before clicking, the date of the entry will appear at the bottom of your screen. You may also search the Index using the Parliamentary Business and Publications Search Engine.


Children's Hospital Foundation see Hospitals--Children's hospitals

Children's hospitals see Hospitals

Children's Miracle Network Champions see Hospitals--Children's hospitals

Children's Safety Village Fire Education Centre, Cambridge, Ont. see Fire-fighters/emergency response personnel

Children's Special Allowances Act see Income Tax Amendments Act, 1996 (Bill C-69)


    >>Canada, relations with, 6229-30
    >>>$7 billion Canadian investment, 8154
    >>Democracy, return to, economic growth, etc., 6229
    >>Frei, President Eduardo, Canadian visit, Nov. 17-19/96, Quebec excluded, etc., 6229-30
    >>GasAndes consortium pipeline, NOVA Corporation involvement, police actions re highway blockade, relationship, o.q., 4026
    >>Social security agreements with Canada, Quebec, 6229
    >>See also Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement; Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-81); Economic conditions--Quebec separation/sovereignty threat; Grain marketing--Wheat; Inter-Parliamentary Delegations, reports; North American Free Trade Agreement; Registered retirement savings plans--Super RRSP; Trade

Chilliwack, B.C. see Canadian Armed Forces--CFB Chilliwack, B.C.


    >>Canada, relations with, interlocking pillars, 3383-4
    >>Canadian reputation, Dr. Norman Bethune, Canadian International Development Agency, etc., 7364
    >>Democracy/Confucianism, relationship, 3583-4
    >>Great Wall of China, 2539
    >>Human rights, international standards, implementing, Canadian role, 7375
    >>Human rights violations, 1824
    >>>Amnesty International reports, 3384
    >>>Canadian policy, 3383-5
    >>>>S.O. 31, 3312
    >>>Chrétien, Prime Minister, approach, S.O. 31, 6903
    >>>Thailand government arresting Amnesty International members, Canadian trade policy, relationship, , o.q., 715
    >>>United Nations Commission on Human Rights resolution, Denmark sponsored, Canadian position
    >>>>o.q., 9600-1, 9744-5, 10070
    >>>>S.O. 31, 9793
    >>>See also Nuclear reactors--Sale to China; Tibet; Trade--China
    >>Military capability, political ideology, relationship, 543, 554
    >>Orphanages, treatment of children, Canadian position, trade, relationship, o.q., 482
    >>Political prisoners, o.q., 9601
    >>Rule of law, Canada promoting, 3383-4
    >>Tiananmen Square massacre, June 4/89
    >>>>S.O. 31, 3312
    >>>>Statement by Minister (Chan), 3383-5
    >>>See also Human rights--Monument erected in 1991
    >>Tzy Tzu dynasty, research grant, 2412
    >>Unions, leaders, training sessions, meetings, in Canada, 1867
    >>Xiaoping, Deng, death, S.O. 31, 8386
    >>See also Canadian Executive Services Organization; Canadian International Development Agency; Colleges--Beijing Concord College; Haiti--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping role; Hong Kong; Liberal International; Nuclear weapons--Testing; Semex Canada; Taiwan--China-Taiwan dialogue--Election; Tibet; Trade--China

Chinese Canadian Association of Public Affairs see Citizenship--Promotion

Chinese Exclusion Act

Chinese Golden Age Society see Senior citizens

Chinese New Year

    >>Vancouver East constituency, celebration, S.O. 31, 7960

Chinook salmon see Salmon, Pacific fishery

Chirac, Jacques see France

Chiriaeff, Ludmilla

    >>Grands Ballets Canadiens founder, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 4623

Chisholm, Archie Neil

    >>Death, tribute, S.O. 31, 8269-70

Chislet, Albert see Mining industry--Mining Men of the Year

Chocolates see Ganong Brothers Ltd.

Chrétien, Aline see Chrétien, Jean--References

Chrétien, Right Hon. Jean (L--Saint-Maurice; Prime Minister)

Chrétien, Jean-Guy (BQ--Frontenac)

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