Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
News Release

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Land Owners Fined for Destruction of Fish Habitat on Pigeon Lake

AUGUST 25, 2006

CALGARY, ALBERTA – On August 24, 2006, Allan Korchinski of Edmonton, Alberta was ordered to pay a penalty of $7,000 after pleading guilty to a subsection 35(1) violation of the federal Fisheries Act for "the harmful alteration, disruption, or destruction of fish habitat". The offence occurred along the shoreline of Pigeon Lake near Summerset Point.

An investigation by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) revealed that Mr. Korchinski completed works on his lakefront property between June 28, 2001 and October 16, 2003 without Fisheries Act authorization. Areas of the shoreline had been cleared and replaced with sand and dirt. Riparian or "shoreline" zones are very important to fish and fish habitat as they meet the needs of the various life cycle requirements of fish.

Pigeon Lake contains sport and commercial fish species like northern pike, walleye, yellow perch, lake whitefish, and burbot. Pigeon Lake also serves as prime fish habitat for these species.

DFO staff had attended both on site and off site meetings with the landowner in an attempt to remediate the damages but were unsuccessful prior to DFO laying the charges.

The court ordered that 90% of the fine is to be directed to DFO to be used to restore, enhance, and monitor fish habitat in Alberta. In addition to the fine, the landowner is required to submit post-remediation assessments of the actions taken each year until 2009, and if necessary, will be required to take further remedial action.

Prior to undertaking any work in or around water, DFO encourages the public to ensure that they have all necessary permits from municipal, provincial, and federal agencies and authorities.




Colleen O’Meara
Regional Communications Manager
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Central and Arctic Region
(905) 336-4822

Lawrence Swift
Director of Communications
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Central and Arctic Region
(519) 383-1830



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    Last updated: 2006-08-25

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