Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada

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Objective-Based Fisheries Management (OBFM)

February 2003

Fisheries and Oceans Canada is adopting an Objective-Based Fisheries Management (OBFM) approach for harp seals. OBFM uses control rules and reference points to establish management measures for a fishery. Where there is an abundant resource, OBFM will facilitate a market-driven harvest that will enable sealers to maximize their benefits without compromising conservation.

Reference points, are pre-established population levels that trigger specific management actions when they are reached. Control rules are specific, pre-established actions that are triggered at certain reference points. Control rules include measures such as a lower Total Allowable Catch (TAC), changes to season length and area closures. Reference points have been set at 70%, 50% and 30%, based on the maximum observed size of the herd at 5.5 million. If the full TAC was taken for the three-year plan, it is estimated the population would decline to about 4.7 million by 2006 – well above the 70% threshold. The department is committed to maintaining the population above the 70% reference point.

The harp seal population has nearly tripled in size – less than two million in the 1970’s to more than five million today. Some reduction in the population is possible at this time while maintaining the principle of sustainable use of this natural resource.

OBFM – Conservation Reference Points
(click on the image to enlarge)
Click on the image to enlarge - OBFM – Conservation Reference Points


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    Last updated : 2004-08-03

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