Petroleum Registry
Department of Energy Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers Small Explorers and Producers Association of Canada
Alberta Energy and Utilities Board


Broadcast Message: Click Here Last Message Posted:  01/12/2006 8:15:37 AM Last Review/Updated: Monday, May 01, 2006 16:02


The Registry provides multiple levels of support for users as follows:

Tips & Alerts – these are available on the Registry website Home Page and provide an up-to-the-minute status of Registry and user issues conveniently catalogued for quick and easy reference.  The Tips and Alerts are also available on the Training System in the individual user training profiles, and on the appropriate Online Help pages.

Online Help – after logging into the Registry a user can access the Online Help related to any Registry page by clicking on the  HELP symbol. This Help is context sensitive and provides step-by-step "how to" information as well as related background and tips on the page accessed in the Registry.

Printed User Documentation – complete user documentation can be downloaded and printed from the Registry by accessing the Online Help from any Registry page and then accessing the Table of Contents.  Near the bottom of this Table of Contents, click on the topic "Printing Help" for instructions on the various downloading and printing options.  Help may printed as a single page, a complete topic or the entire contents.

Training System - is free of charge.  It is designed to serve the start-up and recurrent needs of users for knowledge and skill training plus job aids and industry illustrations.  The following links describe the training system and how it meets the requirements for universal accessibility, flexible programs, hands-on training experience, overall economy and efficient, personalized management of change.  To obtain your Training ID and password, click on Access The Online Training System.