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Info-Guide - Employment and Training

Last Verified: 2006-08-29

This document is an Info-Guide designed to help you navigate through different federal, provincial, municipal and private programs available to individuals who want to carry out employment and training programs. It has been prepared by Info entrepreneurs from information provided by Canada Business to answer growing business demand for strategic information. While most of your questions will be answered in this document, it is not intended to be exhaustive. Further information can be obtained by contacting Info entrepreneurs at 514 496-4636, Ressources Entreprises at 418 649-4636 or, across the province, at 1-800-322-4636.


1. Employment Programs
   1.1 Innovation/Exporting
   1.2 Investment/Job Creation
   1.3 Student Trainees
   1.4 new Graduates
2. Services to Employers
   2.1 Québec
   2.2 Canada
3. Internet Information Sources

1.   Employment Programs

1.1   Innovation/Exporting

Research assistance Program
This program offered by the Ministère du Développement économique, de l'Innovation et de l'Exportation (MDEIE) is comprised of three major elements, consult Info-Guide - Innovation, Research and Development . In general, businesses that are legally constituted and groupings of companies coming from all activity sectors with less than 250 employees are eligible.

Tax credits for scientific research and experimental development (R&D)
Research and Development activities in Québec benefit from strong taxation incentives - some of the most attractive in the world, in fact. R&D encompasses scientific research and experimental development. Experimental development involves work on creating or improving materials, devices, products or processes. All sectors are eligible. The tax credit ranges from 17,5% to 35% of eligible expenditures, which generally consist of salaries. For further information,contact an office of Revenu Québec (consult the document the Business Services Offered for your region; see Related Reading at the end), or visit the Web site at:

Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Program
The federal government provides income tax incentives to encourage Canadian businesses, including small business and start-up firms, in all sectors to develop technologically advanced products and processes in Canada. Claimants can apply for SR&ED investment tax credits for expenditures such as wages, materials, machinery, equipment, some overhead, and SR&ED contracts. For further information, contact Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) at 514 496-1317, 418 648-7151 or 1-800-959-7775, or consult the document Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED;) Program, or visit the Web site at:

1.2   Investment/Job Creation

The following government programs provide financial assistance for the hiring of workers:

Fédéral Programs

New Employer Visits
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) visits new employers to help them with trust accounts and withholding procedures. These visits are not audits, but a way to educate employers on their legal obligations and responsibilities. Contact the nearest CCRA Tax Services Office by calling the Business Enquiries Line at 1-800-959-5525 for service in English or 1-800-959-7775 for service in French. Consult the document New Employer Visits .

Provincial Programs:

Financial Assistance to Employers for Worker Rehabilitation
Section I - Provides wage subsidies over a maximum of one-year for hiring a worker who has suffered a work-related injury. 
Section II -  Provides wage subsidies for businesses creating a position reserved to injured workers.
For more information, you can contact the Commission de la Santé et de la Sécurité au travail (CSST) nearest you (see the the blue pages of the telephone book), 514 906-3111, 418 266-4000 or 1-800-267-6811, or the following Web site:  (In French only)

"Wage Subsidy Program" (known as Subvention salariale d'insertion à l'emploi)
This program, administred by the Centres locaux d'emploi - CLE (Local Employment Centres), offers a subsidy to existing businesses who are interested in hiring a social security or employment insurance recipient. The program is available to cooperatives and both non-profit and profit companies, located in Québec. In general, the duration of the subsidy lasts up to 30 weeks but could be extended up to 40 weeks. The duration of the subsidy lasts up to 52 weeks for the cooperatives. For further information, contact your "Local Employment Centre" (consult the document Business Services Offered for your region; see Related Reading at the end). Detailed information about the program on the Internet: French Only)

Immigrants and Visible Minorities
This program is offered by Emploi-Québec in partnership with the ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles et Investissement Québec. He is aimed at encouraging SMEs to hire immigrants and visible minorities. For further information, contact your local employment centre (consult the Business Services Offered for your region; see Related Reading at the end) or visit the Web site at:

1.3   Student Trainees

Online Placement - Emploi-Québec
To obtain student services. (In French Only)

Tax credit for workplace internships
All companies, cooperatives and eligible individuals operating a business in Quebec could benefit from a refundable tax credit for hiring an intern registered in an official full-time secondary school vocational training program, technical training college program or undergraduate training program. Recognized educational institutions, jointly with Revenu Québec, are responsible for applying this measure. For further information, call at 514 864-6299, 418 659-6299, or visit the Web site at: (In French Only)

Info-Youth Line
Internship programs are available through the Youth Employment Strategy. For further information, call 1-800-935-5555 or visit the Web site at:   

ExportEdge Program
The ExportEdge program matches and mentors eligible individuals between the ages of 15-30 who are interested in developing export based careers with companies that need assistance with specific export oriented projects. For further information, visit the Web site at:

1.4   New Graduates

Youth Program Directory from the Québec Government (known as Répertoire des programmes jeunesse du gouvernement du Québec)
This directory is available on the Internet (in French):      

Info-Youth Line
Internship programs are available through the Youth Employment Strategy. For further information, call 1-800-935-5555 or visit the Web site at:  

Programme Mentor
The Université Laval’s placement service and Entrepreneuriat Laval have created a mentorship program to facilitate student integration into the workplace, to help them understand the requirements and realities associated with their career choice and to help graduate entrepreneurs with the various stages of their enterprise’s development. For further information call, 418 656-3575 or visit the Web site at: (In French Only)


2.1   Québec

Emploi-Québec is an integral part of the Ministère de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale its mandate is to sustain the Employment Measures and Services.To assist individuals and companies in terms of work force and jobs, as well as responding to the needs of clienteles from all regions of the province, Emploi-Québec works in association with the Commission des partenaires du marché du travail (Labour Market Partners Commission) and the regional councils of labour market partners. For more information on programs and services offred by Emploi-Québec, call 514 873-1892, 418 643-1892, or 1-888-Emplois (367-5647). Visit the Web site at:
The Act to Foster the Development of Manpower Training
Since 1995, employers whose total payroll is $1 million or more must invest at least 1% of the total payroll in employee training. Emploi-Québec is responsible for the implementation of this Act. Visit the Web site at:

Fonds national de formation de la main-d'oeuvre
This fund, managed by Emploi-Québec, is financed by the contributions of employers regulated under The Act to Foster the Development of Manpower Training  to the ministère du Revenu , who have not invested 1% of their overall payroll into manpower training. This fund will allow employers to implement training projects for their employees, and will also subsidize the marketing of training projects. Visit the Web site at:

Best Business Practices (known as Meilleures pratiques d'affaires (MPA))
This is an initiative of the ministère du Développement économique, de l'Innovation et de l'Exportation (MDEIE) in co-operation with Emploi-Québec. Aimed at heads of companies and strategic workers, this program’s training sessions deal with specific themes adapted to the needs of SMEs. For more information, contact the nearest MDEIE office (consult the document Business Services Offered for your region; see Related Reading at the end), 514 499-2550, 418 691-5950 or 1-866-680-1884, or visit the Web site at: (In French only) 

Government policy on adult and continuing education
Over the next five years, the Quebec government will allocate over $450 million to the implementation of an action plan for this policy. The Fonds national de formation de la main-d'oeuvre (national labour force training fund) of Emploi Québec will devote $20 million to continuing education and apprenticeship. Visit the Web site at:  (In French Only)

Programme d'apprentissage en milieu de travail
This program from Emploi-Québec uses a mentoring formula whereby an apprentice learns a trade by working with an experienced individual who shares his know-how. Eligible participants must be 16 years old and over, employed and registered in the program by their employer. For their part, employers must guarantee satisfactory training both in terms of the equipment and techniques used, as well as working, hygiene and safety conditions. Well-trained employees are a major asset to your company's competitiveness, and you can obtain a tax credit to finance a part of your expenses. For  further information, contact Emploi-Québec at 514 873-1892, 418 643-1892 or 1-888-Emplois (367-5647). Visit the Web site at:

On-line Placement
On-line Placement is a service from Emploi-Québec which allows employers and job seekers to use Internet for their searchs. This new service is free of charge and available to all.
Visit the Web site at:

Local Employment Centres (CLEs)
You can be sure there's a centre local d'emploi (CLE) near you! In fact, there are 154 CLEs throughout Québec's 17 regions. Resources and services are available at each of these CLEs for:
  • people who need job assistance or financial support;
  • employers eager to hire qualified staff and who have questions about manpower and manpower skill development.

To find the location nearest you, call 418 643-4721, or 1-888-643-4721, or consult the document Business Services Offered for your region; see Related Reading at the end, or visit the Web site at:

Placement étudiant du Québec (PEQ)
The goal of Placement étudiant du Québec is to help regular, full-time students improve their employability in their fields of study, and to help employers prepare a new generation of employees. Placement étudiant du Québec (PEQ) offers different programs . For further information, contact the PEQ at 418 643-6965 or 1-800-463-2355, consult the document Placement étudiant du Québec or visit the Web site at:

"Employment and Technology Study Centre" (known as Centre d'étude sur l'emploi et la technologie - CETECH)
CETECH, which answers to Emploi-Québec, is a study and research centre on employment and technology mandated to develop expertise about knowledge and information on the labour market. The CETECH projects involve highly skilled occupations and high-tech sectors touching on relations of all types between employment and technology, particularly for multimedia and computer science sectors. For further information, call the Centre at 514 873-7714 or visit the Web site at:

Tremplins Formation-Productivité program - Québec Manufacturers and Exporters (QME)
The objective of the Tremplins Formation-Productivité program is to improve productivity by building on employees' skills. The program  is set up in five Québec regions: Capitale Nationale, Centre-du-Québec, Estrie, Laurentides and Montréal. It is aimed at SMEs that have a payroll about $1 million and provide little or no training. For further information, call 514 866-7774, 1-800-363-0226, or visit the Web site at:  (In French Only)

Implementation of the Vers le plein emploi strategy
The Vers le plein emploi strategy, arises from the government action plan, Horizon 2005.  This action plan is intended to ensure that training and labour market needs are co-ordinated, training is adjusted to the economic realities of regions, assistance is provided for recruiting workers and efforts are made to increase the participation of certain groups on the labour market. Visit the Web site at: French Only)

Youth Awareness
Youth Awareness provides financial assistance to sponsors to design projects that respond to specific labour market requirements and adjustments. The expectation of Youth Awareness is that sponsors, employers, communities and youth will develop a heightened awareness of youth as the workforce of the future.Sponsors who are eligible for a Youth Awareness project include: Businesses, Organizations, Individuals, Public health and education institutions, Band/Tribal councils and Municipal governments. Interested community organizations and participants should contact their local  Department of Human Resources and Skills Development office or call the toll-free Youth Info Line at 1-800-935-5555. For further information, consult the document  Youth Awareness  or visit the Web site at:

2.2   Canada

Department of Human Resources and Skills Development - HRSD
Human Resources and Skills Development (HRSD) mission is to enable Canadians to participate fully in the workplace and the community. It administers programs supporting the income of Canadians and human resources programs linked to the requirements of the national economy and labour market. The list of office locations is available on the  Web site at:

Canadian Training Solutions for Workplace Learning
This on-line resource tool, developed by Industry Canada, help employers find training solutions to meet the skills development needs of their organizations.

Human Resources Management
The Human Resources Management Web site is a one-stop information source designed to help SME employers save time in meeting their human resource-related needs and developing their business management skills. The site is a joint initiative of Human Resources and Skills Development (HRSD) and Industry Canada. Consult the document HR for Employers or visit the Web site at: is a national Internet database that quickly matches employers' precise needs with the skills of young job seekers. It offers students greater access to employers and jobs across Canada and provides efficient and cost-effective recruiting for employers. Visit the Web site at:

3.   Internet Information Sources

CURSUS: A remote training directory
A directory listing remote training courses offered in Canada and abroad. Courses, manuals and educational software in French. Consult the Web site at:

Ebiz.enable's new human resources module
Looking for people who meet your company's needs? Want to train your staff more effectively? Need to save time and money on routine or administrative tasks? The human resources opportunities offered by electronic business technology are amazing! For further information, see the new module available on Strategis:

Economic Analysis of Human Resources in Canada Industries
Industry Profiles, available from Department of Human Resources and Skills Development (HRSD) Web site, are overviews of many industries within the Canadian economy, with a special focus on human resources issues. The profiles examine how the changing economic environment, and general trends in research & development and technology, affect the labour force employed in an industry. Visit the Web site at:

EDC offers small business access to e-learning
Export Development Canada (EDC) and its coalition partners are offering small businesses the opportunity to learn online with the launch of a series of web-based business courses. Small business exporters can gain free access to various courses on the site through EDC's Web portal,

Guide d'aide à la décision sur la formation par les TIC - Manufacturiers et exportateurs du Québec (MEQ)  
This guide answers the following five questions: Does training through information and communication technologies suit my company? Does it meet my training needs? How do I choose the right devices? How do I calculate the cost? What are the benefits for my company? This guide is available free of charge at the following address:

Répertoire Internet de la formation continue
Emploi-Québec is proud to be associated, as a major partner, with the new internet directory for continuing education created by Jobboom. The Jobboom Répertoire de la formation continue site provides a detailed description of continuing education courses in Québec. It also provides a list of instructors working in your region and in your field. Visit the Web site at:   (In French only)

Labour Market Information (LMI)
Labour Market Information (LMI) is made up of all national, regional and local studies, analyses and data required in order to better match supply and demand in the labour force. This is a basic service offered to everyone in the Emploi-Québec network through multiservice rooms, group sessions and publications available on the Internet at:

Portail-RHRI - Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines et en relations industrielles
agréés du Québec
Portail-RHRI - Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines et en relations industrielles agréés du Québec. The Portail-RHRI is a unique meeting place where information can be shared among human resource and industrial relations management professionals, employed persons or those seeking employment, businesses, unions, public and parapublic organizations, the training community and universities in Quebec. Visit Portail-RHRI on the Internet at:

Workplace Literacy Central
This new on-line tool aimed at Canadian employers was developed by the Conference Board of Canada in partnership with the National Literacy Secretariat (NLS). Using this practical tool will enable employers to implement various basic skill programs for their employees. For further information, call 613 526-3090, ext 448. (Source: CEFRIO) Visit the Web site at:

Calculation for employees - Tools
The Commission des normes du travail offers a calculation tool for regular employees, employees receiving gratuities, employees on commission and employees on a piece work basis. An operating guide and list of available tools is offered for each employee category. Visit the Web site at:

A simple pay equity - Tool
The Commission de l'équité salariale has produced a tool to help owners of small businesses achieve pay equity quickly and at no cost. The software allows job comparisons to be conducted and calculations to be made to assure pay equity. Downloaded directly from the Web site at:

Discover many other documents, tools and interesting links pertaining to the "Employment / Training cluster" in the Tool Box, What You Must Know and Links of Interest sections of our Website.

Information contained in this document is of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute advice for any specific fact situation. Users concerned about the reliability of the information should consult directly with the source, or seek legal counsel.

Links Policy
Some of the hypertext links lead to non-federal government sites which are not subject to the Official Languages Act and the material is available in one language only.

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