Medical Care Plan
The Newfoundland and Labrador Medical Care Plan (MCP) was introduced on April 1, 1969. It is a comprehensive plan of medical care insurance designed to cover the cost of physician services for bona fide residents of the province.

On April 1, 2000, MCP merged with the Department of Health and Community Services. However, MCP will continue to provide medical claims services to residents as it has in the past.

Physicians who treat beneficiaries may submit claims for insured services directly to MCP. Such claims must be in accordance with an established schedule of fees and will be processed by MCP against established claim assessment rules.

The Medical Care Insurance Insured Services Regulations stipulate the general categories of medical services covered under the Plan; these include:

visits to a physician's office, hospital or beneficiary's residence
surgical, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, including anaesthesia
pre- and post-operative care
complete maternity care
radiology interpretive services
certain surgical-dental procedures which are medically necessary to be performed in hospital by a dentist or oral surgeon

The specific procedures and services covered under the Medical Care Plan are listed in Schedule A (Medical Payment Schedule) and Schedule B (Surgical-Dental Payment Schedule) of the Medical Care Insurance Physicians and Fees Regulations.

The Medical Care Insurance Insured Services Regulations also list specific services which are not insured under the Medical Care Plan; these include:

physician's advice given by telephone
drugs and vaccines
provision of medical appliances
writing of prescriptions
preparation of records, reports or certificates
services available under other provincial or federal legislation
physician's travel time and expenses
ambulance services or other transportation
acupuncture and subsequent related services
non-medically necessary examinations or examinations required by third parties (e.g. annual check-up, employment, pre-school or drivers' medicals, etc.)
surgery for cosmetic purposes
physician's testimony given in a court
eye examinations for corrective lenses
routine, in-hospital, dental extractions
the difference between general practice and specialist rates for non-referred patients
services provided by chiropractors, optometrists, podiatrists, naturopaths, osteopaths, physiotherapists, nurses or other paramedical personnel
newborn circumcisions
consultations required due to hospital policy
alcohol / drug dependency treatment outside Canada
Services provided in private non-approved Canadian diagnostic imaging facilities (e.g. MRI, CT, X-ray, etc.)
therapeutic abortions performed outside Canada, or at a non-approved Canadian facility
sex change surgery, unless recommended by the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry
in-vitro fertilization and ovarian stimulation and sperm transfer
reversal of a previous sterilization procedure

(this list has been compiled for information purposes only and is not the official list of uninsured services)

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Newfoundland and Labrador Medical Care Plan, all rights reserved.

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