Breastfeeding Committee for Canada
The National Authority for the WHO/Unicef
Baby Friendly™ Hospital Initiative (BFHI) in Canada
Vision, Mission, & Objectives


Breastfeeding is the cultural norm for infant feeding in Canada.

Mission Statement

To protect, promote and support breastfeeding in Canada as the normal method of infant feeding.


Provide a forum for addressing Canadian breastfeeding issues.

Maintain ongoing communication with governments and organizations to protect, promote and support breastfeeding.

Provide ongoing expert advice and recommendations on breastfeeding research, policy and program development, and direction to governments and organizations

Develop partnerships and collaborative strategies to protect, promote and support breastfeeding.

As the National Authority for the Baby-Friendly™ Initiative, oversee and facilitate the imlementation of the Baby-Friendly™ Initiative in Canada.

The Breastfeeding Committee for Canada logo is a registered trademark of Health Canada, and is used with permission. Unauthorized duplication prohibited. Contents copyright ©2002 Breastfeeding Committee for Canada. The Breastfeeding Committee for Canada makes every effort to ensure that web sites directly linked to our own include information compatible with our mission and purpose. We can only be responsible for information contained within our own web pages.