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Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Electronic Journals

More full text journals may be found at the Council of Fisheries and Oceans Libraries virtual library website.

If you have comments or problems, please contact the library at 902-426-3683 or by email at

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American Journal of Science (1975- )

American Naturalist (1997- )

Analyst (1997- )

Analytica Chimica Acta (Current year only)

Annales de Paleontologie (v. 87, 2001)

Annual Review of Biochemistry (1997- )

Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences (1996- )

Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics (1996 - 2002)

Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics (2003 - )

Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics (1996- )

Annual Review of Microbiology (1996- )

Annual Review of Physiology (v. 59, 1997- )

Applied Geochemistry (Current year only)

Aquacultural Engineering (Current year only) (St. Andrews)

Aquaculture (Current year only)

Aquaculture International (Current year only)

Aquaculture Nutrition (Current year only) (St. Andrews)

Aquaculture Research (Current year only) (St. Andrews)

Aquatic Conservation : Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems (1997 - )

Aquatic Living Resources (Current year only)

Aquatic Microbial Ecology (2000 - )

Aquatic Toxicology (Current year only)

Archiv fur Hydrobiologie

Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (1997 - )

ASLO Bulletin (v. 1, 1992 - )

Atmosphere-Ocean (1978 - )



Basin Research (Current year only)

Biochemistry and Cell Biology (1997 - )

Biological Bulletin (1990 - )

Biological Conservation (Current year only)

Biology of Reproduction (1969 - )

Biomarkers (Current year only)

Biometrics (Current year only)

Biometrika (1999 - )

Bioscience (1999 - )

Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (1996 - )

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (1970 - )



Canadian Geotechnical Journal (v. 33, 1996 - )

Canadian Journal of Botany (v. 76, 1996 - )

Canadian Journal of Chemistry (v. 76, 1998 - )

Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering (v. 24, 1997 - )

Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (v. 35, 1998 - )

Canadian Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences (v. 53,1996 - )

Canadian Journal of Forest Research (v. 27, 1997 - )

Canadian Journal of Microbiology (v. 44, 1998 - )

Canadian Journal of Physics (v. 75, 1997 - )

Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology (v. 74, 1996 - )

Canadian Journal of Zoology (v. 76, 1998 - )

Cartographic Journal (v. 40, 2003 - )

Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (1997 - )

Chemosphere (Current year only)

Clay Minerals (v. 35, 2000 - v. 36, 2001)

Coastal Engineering (Current year only)

Coastal Management (1999 - )

Cold Regions Science and Technology (Current year only)

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology (Current year only)

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Current year only)

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology and Pharmacology (Current year only)

Computers & Geosciences (Current year only)

Conservation Biology (1997 - )

Continental Shelf Research (Current year only)

Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry (2002 - )

Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2002 - )

Critical Reviews in Microbiology (2002 - )

Crustaceana (1999 - )



Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers (Current year only)

Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography (Current year only)

Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans (Current year only)



Earth and Planetary Science Letters (Current year only)

Earth-Science Reviews (Current year only)

Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (v. 24, 1999 - v. 29, 2004)

Ecological Applications (v. 7, 1997 - )

Ecological Modelling (Current year only)

Ecological Monographs (v. 67, 1997 - )

Ecology (v. 78, 1997 - )

Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (Current year only)

Environmental Biology of Fishes (2004 only)

Environmental Geology (v. 37, 1999 - v. 42, 2003)

Environmental Pollution (Current year only)

Environmental Research (Current year only)

Environmental Reviews (v. 5, 1997 - )

Estuaries (2001 - )

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science (Current year only)

European Journal of Phycology(v. 32-37)

European Journal of Phycology(v. 38- )

Evolution (2000 - )

Experimental Biology and Medicine (v. 226- )



Fish and Fisheries (Current year only)

Fish & Shellfish Immunology (Current year only)

Fish Farming International (1990- ) See library staff for password

Fish Physiology and Biochemistry (2003 only)

Fisheries (1990 - )

Fisheries Management & Ecology (Current year only)

Fisheries Oceanography (Current year only)

Fisheries Research (Current year only)

Fisheries Science (Current year only)

Fishery Bulletin (1999 - )

Freshwater Biology (Current year only)

Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment (v. 1, 2006 - )



Genome (1997 - )

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (Current year only)

Geo-Marine Letters (1997 - )

Geophysical Journal International (Current year only)

Geophysical Research Letters (v. 33, 2006 - )

Geotechnique (Current year only)

Geotectonics (Current year only)

Global and Planetary Change (Current year only)

Global Atmosphere and Ocean System (2002 - 2003)

Global Biogeochemical Cycles (v.20, 2006 - )

Global Change Biology (Current year only)



Harmful Algae (Current year only)(St. Andrews)

Helgoland Marine Research (1999 - )

History of Oceanography (1996 - )

Hydrobiologia (2004 only)



ICES Journal of Marine Science (Current year only)

Ichthyological Research (v. 48, 2001 - )

International Journal of Climatology (v. 19, 1999 - )

International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry (2002 - )

International Journal of Geographical Information Science (1997 - )

International Journal of Remote Sensing (1997 - )

International Review of Hydrobiology (2002 only)

Izvestiya Physics of the Solid Earth (Current year only)



Journal of Analytical Toxicology (2002 - )

Journal of Animal Ecology (Current year only)

Journal of Applied Aquaculture (1999 - )

Journal of Applied Ecology (Current year only)

Journal of Applied Ichthyology

Journal of Applied Microbiology (Current year only)

Journal of Aquatic Animal Health (v. 1, 1989 - )

Journal of Biochemistry (v. 133, 2003 - )

Journal of Chemical Ecology (2004 only)

Journal of Chromatographic Science (v. 38, 2000 - )

Journal of Coastal Research (Current year only)

Journal of Ecology (Current year only)

Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science (v. 1, 2002 - )

Journal of Environmental Management (Current year only)

Journal of Environmental Radioactivity (Current year only)

Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology (Current year only)

Journal of Fish Biology (Current year only)

Journal of Fish Diseases (Current year only)

Journal of Fluid Mechanics (v. 378, 1999 - v. 473, 2002)

Journal of General Virology (1999 - )

Journal of Geodesy (v. 71, 1997 - )

Journal of Geology (v. 107, 1999 - )

Journal of Geophysical Research. A, Space Physics (1994 - )

Journal of Geophysical Research. B, Solid Earth (1994 - )

Journal of Geophysical Research. C, Oceans (1994 - )

Journal of Geophysical Research. D, Atmospheres (1994 - )

Journal of Geophysical Research. E, Planets (1994 - )

Journal of Geophysical Research. F, Earth Surface (2003 - )

Journal of Ichthyology (Current year only)

Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry (Current year only)

Journal of Invertebrate Pathology (Current year only)

Journal of Microbiological Methods (Current year only)

Journal of Micropalaeontology (2002 - )

Journal of Molluscan Studies (v. 64, 1998 - )

Journal of Navigation

Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science (v.22, 1997 - )

Journal of Nutrition (v. 127, 1997 - )

Journal of Phycology (Current year only)

Journal of Physics D, Applied Physics (v. 32, 1999 - v. 35, 2002)

Journal of Plankton Research (1998 - )

Journal of Sea Research (Current year only)

Journal of Sedimentary Geology (1931- )

The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Current year only)

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (v. 101, 1997 - )

Journal of the Geological Society (v. 136, 1979 - )

Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK (1887 - 1947)

Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK (v. 79, 1999 - )

Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (v. 79, 1999 - v. 83, 2003)

Journal of Theoretical Biology (Current year only)

Journal of Zoology





Lethaia (v. 33, 2000 - v. 35, 2002)

Letters in Applied Microbiology (Current year only)

Limnology and Oceanography (v. 38, 1993 - )

Limnology and Oceanography : Methods (v. 1, 2003 - )



Marine and Freshwater Research (v. 48, 1997 - )

Marine and Petroleum Geology (Current year only)

Marine Biology (v. 128, 1997 - )

Marine Biology Research

Marine Chemistry (Current year only)

Marine Ecology (Current year only)

Marine Ecology Progress Series (v. 201, 2000 - )

Marine Environmental Research (Current year only)

Marine Geodesy (1999 - )

Marine Geology (Current year only)

Marine Georesources and Geotechnology (1999 - )

Marine Policy (Current year only)

Marine Pollution Bulletin (Current year only)

Microbial Ecology (v. 33, 1997 - )

Micropaleontology (v. 51, 2005 - )

Molecular Ecology (1996 - )

Molecular Ecology Notes (2001 - )



National Fisherman (1998 - )

Nature (v. 385, 1997 - )

Naturwissenschaften (v. 84, 1997 - )

New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research (v. 28, 1994 - )

Newsletter of Micropalaeontology (no. 57, 1998 - )

North American Journal of Aquaculture (v. 61, 1999 - )

North American Journal of Fisheries Management (v. 1, 1981 - )



Ocean & Coastal Management (Current year only)

Ocean Development and International Law (1999 - )

Ocean Dynamics (v. 52, 2001 - )

Ocean Modelling (Current year only)

Oecologia (v. 109, 1997 - )

Oikos (Current year only)

Oilweek and Oilweek Newsletter (2003- ) See library staff for password



Paleoceanography (v.21, 2006 - )

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (Current year only)

Palaeontology (Current year only)

Philosophical Transactions : Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences (v. 357, 1999 - v.360, 2002)

Phycologia (Current year only)

Physical Oceanography (2002 - )

Physiological and Biochemical Zoology (v. 70, 1997 - )

Polar Biology (v. 16, 1996 - )

Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, v. 221-225; continued by: Experimental Biology and Medicine, v. 226-

Progress in Oceanography (Current year only)

Progressive Fish-Culturist. (v. 46, 1984 - v. 60, 1998) Continued by: North American Journal of Aquaculture

Pure and Applied Geophysics (v. 154, 1999 - v. 158, 2001)



Quaternary International (Current year only)

Quaternary Research (Current year only)

Quaternary Science Reviews (Current year only)



Regulated Rivers : Research & Management (v. 15, 1999 - v. 17, 2001)

Remote Sensing of Environment (Current year only)

Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology (Current year only)

Review of Scientific Instruments (v. 70, 1999 - v. 74, 2003)

Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries

Reviews in Fisheries Science (v. 11, 2003 - )

River research and applications

Russian Journal of Marine Biology (Current year only)



Science (v. 274, 1996 - )

The Science of The Total Environment (Current year only)

Seafood International (1990- ) See library staff for password

Sedimentary Geology (Current year only)


Stratigraphy (v. 2, 2006 - )

Systematic Biology



Tectonics (v.25 no. 2, 2006 - )

Tellus. Series A, Dynamic meteorology and oceanography (Current year only)

Tellus. Series B, Chemical and physical meteorology (Current year only)

Theoretical Population Biology (Current year only)(St. Andrews)

Tissue and Cell (Current year only)(St. Andrews)

Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology (Current year only)

TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry (Current year only)(St. Andrews)

Transactions of the American Fisheries Society (v. 99, 1970 - )







Water, Air & Soil Pollution (v. 93, 1997 - )

Water Research (Current year only)






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