Massage Therapy Program Standard

The approved program standard for six-semester Massage Therapy Programs approved by the Ministry of Education and Training (MCU Code 61618) for delivery by Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology

Ministry of Education and Training, December 1998

© 1998, Ontario Ministry of Education and Training
ISBN 0-7778-7897-6

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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction

  2. Vocational Standard

  3. Generic Skills Standard

  4. General Education Standard


The Ministry of Education and Training acknowledges with thanks the significant contribution of the many individuals and organizations who participated in the development of this program standard. In particular, the Ministry of Education and Training would like to acknowledge the important roles of

  • Members of College of Massage Therapists of Ontario working committee for the development of learning outcomes.

  • Members of the focus group: Jennifer Borland, Sir Sandford Fleming College; Anne Busst, Centennial College; Yves Charette, College Boreal; Doug Cressman, Sault College; Ian Dolmage, Algonquin College; Wendy Hunter, Centennial College; Michele Stobie, Algonquin College; and Ruth Wilson, Sault College.

  • The individuals and organizations who participated in consultations and validation; the writer/editor, Brian Provini, Conestoga College; and the secondee who led the development of the vocational standard: Linda Buschmann, Canadore College.

  • All those involved in the work of the CSAC Generic Skills Council and the development of the generic skills standard.

  • All those involved in the work of the CSAC General Education Council and the development of the general education standard.

I. Introduction

This document is the Program Standard for Massage Therapy Programs delivered by Ontario colleges of applied arts and technology. The program standard applies to all programs approved by the Ministry of Education and Training under MCU code 61618.

Development of System-Wide Program Standards

The Government of Ontario initiated program standards development with the objectives of bringing a greater degree of consistency to college programming offered across the province, broadening the focus of college programs to ensure graduates have the skills to be flexible and to continue to learn and adapt, and providing public accountability for the quality and relevance of college programs.

This mandate was initially carried out as the work of the College Standards and Accreditation Council (CSAC), established in 1993.

Effective September 1, 1996, CSAC was disbanded as a government agency and its standards-setting and accreditation functions were integrated into the Ministry of Education and Training. The Colleges Branch of the Ministry of Education and Training has now assumed responsibility for the development and approval of system-wide standards for programs at colleges of applied arts and technology of Ontario.

Program Standards

Program standards apply to all similar programs offered by colleges across the province. Each program standard for a postsecondary program includes the following elements:

  • Vocational standard (the vocationally specific learning outcomes which apply to the program in question),

  • Generic skills standard (the generic skills learning outcomes which apply to programs of similar length), and

  • General education standard (the requirement for general education courses that applies to postsecondary programs).

Collectively, these elements outline the essential skills and knowledge that a student must reliably demonstrate in order to graduate from the program.

Individual colleges of applied arts and technology offering the program determine the specific program structure, delivery methods, and other curriculum matters to be used in assisting students to achieve the outcomes articulated in the standard. Individual colleges also determine whether additional local learning outcomes will be required to reflect specific local needs and/or interests.

The Expression of Program Standards as Learning Outcomes

The vocational and generic skills components of program standards are expressed in terms of learning outcomes.

Learning outcomes represent culminating demonstrations of learning and achievement. They are not simply a listing of discrete skills, nor broad statements of knowledge and comprehension. In addition, learning outcomes are interrelated and cannot be viewed in isolation of one another. As such, they should be viewed as a comprehensive whole. They describe performances that demonstrate that significant integrated learning by graduates of the program has been achieved and verified.

Expressing standards as learning outcomes ensures consistency in the outcomes for program graduates, while leaving to the discretion of individual colleges curriculum matters such as the specific program structure and delivery methods.

The Presentation of the Learning Outcomes

The learning outcome statement sets out the culminating demonstration of learning and achievement that the student must reliably demonstrate before graduation.

The elements of performance for each outcome define and clarify the level and quality of performance necessary to meet the requirements of the learning outcome. However, it is the performance of the learning outcome itself on which students are evaluated. The elements are indicators of the means by which the student may proceed to satisfactory performance of the learning outcome. The elements do not stand alone but rather in reference to the learning outcome of which they form a part.

In some cases, in order to ensure clarity, an explanation of the outcome is also provided.

The Accreditation of Programs

The Ministry of Education and Training will establish a process to accredit college programs, with the objective of determining whether program graduates have achieved the learning outcomes and general education requirement established in a program standard.

The Development of a Program Standard

In establishing the standards development initiative, the Government determined that all postsecondary programs should include vocational skills coupled with a broader set of essential skills. This combination is considered critical to ensuring that college graduates have the skills required to be successful both upon graduation from the college program and throughout their working and personal lives.

A program standard is developed through a broad consultation process involving a range of stakeholders with a direct interest in the program area, including employers, professional associations, universities, secondary schools, and program graduates working in the field, in addition to students, faculty, and administrators at the colleges themselves. It represents a consensus of participating stakeholders on the essential learning that all program graduates should have achieved.

Updating the Program Standard

The Ministry of Education and Training will undertake regular reviews of the vocational learning outcomes for this program, as well as a review of the generic skills learning outcomes and the general education requirement, to ensure that the Massage Therapy Program Standard remains appropriate and relevant to the needs of students and employers across the Province of Ontario. To confirm that this document is the most up-to-date release, contact the Ministry of Education and Training at the address or telephone number noted on the document entitled College Program Standards – Introduction.

Table of Contents

II. Vocational Standard

All graduates of Massage Therapy Programs (six-semester) must have achieved the eleven vocational learning outcomes listed in the following pages, in addition to achieving the generic skills learning outcomes and meeting the general education requirement.


The program standard for Massage Therapy programs in the colleges of applied arts and technology includes a foundation of generic skills and general education standards that are achieved concurrently with the vocational standard. Through successful achievement of the generic skills standard, the general education standard, and the vocational standard, graduates, as entry-level practitioners, have the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are necessary to perform their professional role independently and collaboratively.

Graduates will have completed a program that has a firm basis in massage therapy theory, principles, and practices. They have developed a holistic view of the client, the therapist, and of massage therapy that reflects awareness of the dynamic relationship between the profession and the physical, psychological, environmental, and social dimensions of the individual. The eleven vocational learning outcomes are based on the Standards of Practice and the Code of Ethics as established by the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario and comply with current professional legislation and regulations including the Regulated Health Professions Act and the Massage Therapy Act.

Graduates will be able to work within a people-oriented profession as independent and interdisciplinary practitioners. Graduates of massage therapy programs have developed the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to promote clients’ health, well-being, and quality of life throughout the lifespan. They are expected to use critical-thinking strategies and ethical decision-making processes to guide their massage therapy practice.

Following completion of their program, graduates are able to apply to write the registration examination set by the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario. Successful candidates of this examination will be entitled to use the professional designation of Massage Therapist.

Please see the Glossary of Terms for definitions of words marked with an asterisk (*) in the sections below.

Table of Contents

Synopsis of the Vocational Learning Outcomes
Massage Therapy (six-semester) Programs

The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

  1. conduct a massage therapy practice* within an ethical framework*.
  2. conduct a massage therapy practice* within applicable legal and legislative parameters.
  3. communicate and collaborate in an effective professional* manner.
  4. develop therapeutic relationships* that support health and well- being.
  5. collect and use client information* to determine the appropriateness of massage therapy*.
  6. develop a treatment plan*.
  7. implement the treatment plan*.
  8. evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment plan*.
  9. maintain documentation*.
  10. maintain professional* readiness to ensure quality care.
  11. apply appropriate business principles to a massage therapy practice*.

Note: The learning outcomes have been numbered as a point of reference; numbering does not imply prioritization, sequencing, nor weighting of significance.

* See glossary

The Vocational Learning Outcomes

1. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

conduct a massage therapy practice* within an ethical framework*.

Elements of the Performance

  • Respect the worth of each individual, without discrimination on the basis of race, belief, socioeconomic status, cultural background, age, gender, creed, sexual identity/orientation, ableness, or health status
  • Apply ethical business practices to business relationships
  • Act as an advocate on behalf of the client*
  • Be accountable for own practice
  • Use an ethical decision-making process
  • Protect clients’* rights to privacy and confidentiality
  • Apply relevant law*, legislation, and regulations and accepted principles of business and administrative practices to massage therapy practice*

* See glossary

2. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

conduct a massage therapy practice* within applicable legal and legislative parameters.

Elements of the Performance

  • Employ the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice as a defining framework for massage therapy practice*
  • Select and apply safe and effective massage therapy* techniques and modalities
  • Employ hygienic and safety measures including that equipment and the environment meet required specifications and regulations
  • Protect clients’* rights to privacy and confidentiality
  • Apply relevant law*, legislation, and regulations to massage therapy practice
  • Ensure that own knowledge of law affecting massage therapy practice, such as regulatory, non-regulatory, and business and tax law, remains current
  • Apply ethical business practices to business relationships
  • Follow accepted principles of business and administrative practices
  • Prepare reports and forms for third-party payment

* See glossary

3. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

communicate and collaborate in an effective professional* manner.

Elements of the Performance

  • Use language that is suitable to each person’s understanding and background
  • Employ varied communication models and strategies to achieve respectful and productive interactions with individuals and groups
  • Obtain client* consent for assessment* and treatment
  • Promote understanding of the therapist’s clinical impression* of the client by providing clear, concise, and accurate information to the client and other members of the interdisciplinary team, subject to valid consent*
  • Engage clients in dialogue regarding case findings* and suggested approaches to the client’s condition* and needs
  • Utilize strategies to promote interdisciplinary team collaboration
  • Consult as indicated with other members of the interdisciplinary team regarding the therapist’s clinical impression, subject to valid consent*
  • Produce written treatment plans and reports as necessary for and in collaboration with other members of the interdisciplinary team
  • Employ protocols* with colleagues and other health care providers when making and receiving referrals*
  • Provide reports and forms to third-party interests as required

* See glossary

4. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

develop therapeutic relationships* that support health and well-being.

Elements of the Performance

  • Employed client-centered* approaches to care
  • Maintain professional* boundaries in therapeutic relationships*
  • Initiate suitable closure processes when either the client* or the therapist identifies the need to terminate the therapeutic relationship
  • Educate clients to act as their own advocates
  • Engage clients in therapeutic relationships that are caring, empathetic, respectful, and genuine
  • Integrate an understanding of client’s cultural background and belief system into health and healing strategies and interactions with clients

* See glossary

5. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

collect and use client* information to determine the appropriateness of massage therapy*.

Elements of the Performance

  • Obtain thorough health history* information
  • Complete a thorough assessment* relative to the client's* condition*
  • Recognize elements that may contraindicate treatment

* See glossary

6. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

develop a treatment plan*.

Elements of the Performance

  • Analyze client information* to determine the nature of the client’s* massage therapy* requirements
  • Use a variety of resources and methods when analyzing client information
  • Use critical-thinking strategies to analyze client information
  • Apply relevant theoretical and practical knowledge
  • Consult with the client in developing a treatment plan*
  • Use an interdisciplinary approach when appropriate

* See glossary

7. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

implement the treatment plan*.

Elements of the Performance

  • Apply selected techniques and modalities competently
  • Adapt the treatment plan* to meet the client’s* needs and expectations
  • Educate regarding the encourage the client to follow the recommended self-care regimen
  • Integrate concepts such as health and wellness, healing, health promotion, holism, and the allopathic model into own massage therapy practice*

* See glossary

8. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment plan*.

Elements of the Performance

  • Reassess clients* periodically to evaluate their current health status
  • Analyze reassessment findings to determine client progress related to the treatment plan*
  • Continue, modify, and, where appropriate, discontinue the treatment plan based on reassessment of the client and evaluation of the treatment plan
  • Refer clients appropriately

* See glossary

9. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

maintain documentation*.

Elements of the Performance

  • Record the initial and ongoing assessment* and management of the treatment plan*
  • Employ methods of recording in compliance with relevant policies, procedures, standards, and regulations
  • Keep client records current, comprehensive, and confidential
  • Employ accurate technical and descriptive language
  • Use a variety of methods to document such as paper-based and electronic

* See glossary

10. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

maintain professional* readiness to ensure quality care.

Elements of the Performance

  • Conduct oneself in a professional* manner
  • Engage in reflective practice*
  • Recognize own limitations and growth needs
  • Maintain professional currency*
  • Employ personal care strategies to promote own health and well-being and to minimize the potential for injury and professional burnout
  • Promote the development of the profession by actively supporting personal and collective quality assurance
  • Select, critically read, and apply scientific research and relevant literature to massage therapy practice*
  • Be accountable for own practice
  • Recognize the impact of political, social government, and the health-care system trends on massage therapy practice
  • Explore political action strategies to influence change relevant to massage therapy*
  • Support the role that the professional association has in promoting the profession
  • Participate, where appropriate, in research to expand the knowledge associated with the profession

* See glossary

11. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

apply appropriate business principles to a massage therapy practice*.

Elements of the Performance

  • Follow accepted principles of business and administrative practices
  • Communicate accurate and timely information regarding fees and fee structure to clients* and others including third-party insurers
  • Prepare reports and forms for third-party payment
  • Use effective time management, organizational skills, and decision-making strategies
  • Use principles of entrepreneurship in massage therapy practice*
  • Apply ethical business practices to business relationships
  • Apply relevant law*, legislation, and regulations to massage therapy practice
  • Protect clients'* rights to privacy and confidentiality

* See glossary

Glossary of Terms

the process by which the client is evaluated to determine treatment goals and requirements. The massage therapist selects appropriate methods of assessment relative to the presentation of the client. Methods may include health history, observation, consideration of client affect, special testing (for example, orthopedic, neurological, and cardiovascular compromise), palpation, movement analysis, or other modes of assessment available to the therapist.

Case findings
information systematically gathered by the therapist through interview and assessment about the client's presenting complaint and the contributing physical, psychosocial, and environmental factors that have led this person to seek out massage therapy.

any member of the public, regardless of age, background, life circumstances, or relationship to the practitioner, who seeks treatment or professional advice from a massage therapist.

relating to any health-care approach or treatment plan which acknowledges, respects, and focuses on the needs, expectations, priorities, and satisfaction of the client in the therapeutic relationship.

Clinical impression
the massage therapist’s ongoing physical, pyschosocial, environmental assessment and analysis of the client's condition, the therapeutic relationship, and the treatment plan, using relevant knowledge and experience.

Client information
the totality of all information collected regarding the client.

an individual's state of health.

the record of all components and occurrences of massage therapy case management.

Ethical framework
the essential supporting structure to make decisions which require value-based consideration. Based primarily on professional values set out in the Code of Ethics, College of Massage Therapists of Ontario.

Health history
a written form completed by the client and reviewed with the massage therapist. It includes the client's past medical history, presenting symptoms, and chief complaint. A family and social history and environmental information may be collected as they relate to the presenting condition and chief complaint. The terms health history and case history are used interchangeably.

Law, legislation, and regulations
all relevant federal, provincial, and municipal measures. Professionals have a responsibility to remain up to date in regulatory, non- regulatory, and business and tax laws affecting massage therapy practice. Some current examples include the Regulated Health Professions Act and the Massage Therapy Act; Health Care Consent Act; Health and Safety Act; Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System; Workplace Safety and Insurance Board; and the Goods and Services Tax.

Massage therapy
"The practice of massage therapy is the assessment of the soft tissue and joints of the body and treatment and prevention of physical dysfunction and pain of the soft tissues and joints by manipulation to develop, maintain, rehabilitate or augment physical function, or relieve pain." (Massage Therapy Act, 1991)

Massage therapy practice
the therapeutic relationship that develops between a client and a massage therapist, the professional and business milieu in which this relationship occurs, the ethics that inform the profession, and the laws, legislation, and regulations that govern massage therapy, that is, the massage therapist's client complement and his or her professional and business environment.

relating to an internalized code of personal valuesand convictions which support the theoretical, legal, and ethical framework and the self-regulatory nature of massage therapy practice and massage therapy.

Professional currency
the responsibility to remain up-to-date in all aspects of the practice of massage therapy.

a formalized step-by-step description of the procedure.

Reflective practice
a method of critical thinking and analysis of professional, therapeutic, and business aspects of massage therapy practice whereby the individual identifies professional strengths and areas for improvement; establishes outcomes for promoting competence; considers options and their consequences; and develops, implements, and evaluates a plan of action to meet these outcomes.

communication between health-care professionals, either formal or informal, for the management of a client's case.

Therapeutic relationships
professional partnerships between clients and massage therapists existing within the established ethical and legal frameworks.

Treatment plan
the projected series and sequence of treatment goals and procedures based on the collaborative evaluation between the client and massage therapist to determine what is needed to restore or improve the health and function of the client.

Valid consent
refers to consent that is voluntary, specific to the client's massage therapy assessment, reassessment, and the treatment plan; and not obtained through misrepresentation or fraud.

III. Generic Skills Standard

All graduates of Massage Therapy Programs must have achieved the thirteen generic skills learning outcomes listed on the following pages, in addition to achieving the vocational learning outcomes and meeting the general education requirement.

The generic skills learning outcomes listed in this program standard form part of the program standard for each two- and three-year college program. Additional information about these generic skills learning outcomes is contained in the Generic Skills Learning Outcomes for Two and Three Year College Programs in Ontario's Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology. CSAC: 1995.

Synopsis of the Generic Skills Learning Outcomes
Massage Therapy Programs

The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

  1. communicate clearly, concisely, and correctly in the written, spoken, and visual form that fulfills the purpose and meets the needs of audiences.
  2. reframe information, ideas, and concepts using the narrative, visual, numerical, and symbolic representations which demonstrate understanding.
  3. apply a wide variety of mathematical techniques with the degree of accuracy required to solve problems and make decisions.
  4. use a variety of computer hardware and software and other technological tools appropriate and necessary to the performance of tasks.
  5. interact with others in groups or teams in ways that contribute to effective working relationships and the achievement of goals.
  6. evaluate her or his own thinking throughout the steps and processes used in problem solving and decision making.
  7. collect, analyze, and organize relevant and necessary information from a variety of sources.
  8. evaluate the validity of arguments based on qualitative and quantitative information in order to accept or challenge the findings of others.
  9. create innovative strategies and/or products that meet identified needs.
  10. manage the use of time and other resources to attain personal and/or project-related goals.
  11. take responsibility for her or his own actions and decisions.
  12. adapt to new situations and demands by applying and/or updating her or his knowledge and skills.
  13. represent her or his skills, knowledge, and experience realistically for personal and employment purposes.

The Generic Skills Learning Outcomes

1. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

communicate clearly, concisely, and correctly in the written, spoken, and visual form that fulfills the purpose and meets the needs of audiences.


Communicating in a clear, concise, and correct manner requires producing the written, spoken or visual material that best suits the situation. Graduates will have developed their ability to analyze their audiences to identify what is required and to match those needs with the means that is most appropriate. They will have produced material according to the style and conventions required, and they will have checked their products for accuracy and clarity. Finally, graduates will have used the tools available to them to create and correct their written, spoken, and visual messages.

Elements of the Performance

  • Plan and organize communications according to the purpose and audiences
  • Choose the format (e.g., memo, illustration, video, multimedia presentation, diagram) appropriate to the purpose
  • Incorporate the content that is meaningful and necessary
  • Produce material that conforms to the conventions of the chosen format
  • Use language and style suitable to the audience and purpose
  • Ensure that the material is free from mechanical errors
  • Use the computer technology that will enhance the production of materials
  • Evaluate communications and adjust for any errors in content, structure, style, and mechanics

2. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

reframe information, ideas, and concepts using the narrative, visual, numerical, and symbolic representations which demonstrate understanding.


Responding to messages from many sources requires the ability to receive and to comprehend what has been received. One way to demonstrate that comprehension is to reframe, or restate in other forms, the original message. This requires graduates to have developed the skills to read, listen to, and observe messages contained within narrative and visual forms. It also requires the ability to construct unique narrative and visual representations that are consistent with the original messages.

Elements of the Performance

  • Develop and use strategies to read, listen, and observe effectively
  • Clarify what has been read, heard, and observed
  • Reproduce original information in other formats (e.g., written and spoken summaries; tables, figures, charts, diagrams, maps, drawings, photographs, and computer-generated graphics; terms represented by numbers; and values represented by letters or signs)
  • Use technology, where appropriate, to aid in reframing
  • Evaluate the representation for consistency of meaning with the original
  • Acknowledge the use of material from other sources according to the conventions of the medium used

3. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

apply a wide variety of mathematical techniques with the degree of accuracy required to solve problems and make decisions.


Using mathematics effectively in everyday situations requires the ability to apply a wide variety of mathematical skills accurately. Graduates will have demonstrated their ability to apply the concepts of number and space to situations which include quantities, magnitudes, measurements, and ratios. They will have developed their ability to identify the need for mathematics, to apply mathematical techniques (concepts, conventions, strategies, and operations) and to check the results of their applications. This will require graduates to be flexible and creative and to be confident in their mathematical skills and abilities.

Elements of the Performance

  • Recognize situations that require mathematics
  • Assess potential mathematical strategies (including models, geometric representations or formulas, elementary algebraic equations, descriptive statistical methods, and mathematical reasoning) for suitability and effectiveness
  • Decide on the degree of accuracy required for answers
  • Estimate probable answers
  • Execute mathematical operations necessary to implement selected strategies
  • Use calculators or appropriate technological tools to perform mathematical operations accurately
  • Check for errors in numerical answers and the appropriate fit between problems and answers
  • Express answers clearly
  • Transfer the use of mathematical strategies from one situation to another

4. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

use a variety of computer hardware and software and other technological tools appropriate and necessary to the performance of tasks.


Using computers and other technologies as tools to increase productivity and to enhance tasks requires graduates to have the confidence and ability to use the tools well. Graduates will have demonstrated the ability to recognize when computers and other technologies contribute to completing tasks, solving problems, performing research, and creating products. They will use the technological tool most appropriate to the task and use it accurately. Finally, they will have gained confidence in continuing to learn about and cope with new technologies in the future.

Elements of the Performance

  • Use basic operating system functions competently (e.g., load software, store, and retrieve data)
  • Determine which tasks can best be handled by computers and other technology
  • Select suitable software, equipment, and tools for the task
  • Use the software, equipment, and tools effectively, correctly, and ethically
  • Deal with equipment and software problems and errors in a logical and systematic manner
  • Transfer concepts, knowledge, and skills from one technology to another
  • Evaluate one's own use of hardware, software, and technological tools

5. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

interact with others in groups or teams in ways that contribute to effective working relationships and the achievement of goals.


Working in teams or groups in either a work or personal context requires the ability to assume responsibility for collective duties and decisions. It also requires interacting effectively with the members of the group. Therefore, in achieving this outcome, graduates will have demonstrated their ability to understand and complete the various tasks required of them as group members. They will also have demonstrated their ability to understand and respond to others.

Elements of the Performance

  • Identify the tasks to be completed
  • Establish strategies to accomplish the tasks
  • Identify roles for members of the team/group
  • Clarify one's own roles and fulfill them in a timely fashion
  • Treat other members of the group equitably and fairly
  • Contribute one's own ideas, opinions, and information while demonstrating respect for those of others
  • Employ techniques intended to bring about the resolution of any conflicts
  • Regularly assess the group's progress and interactions and make adjustments when necessary

6. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

evaluate her or his own thinking throughout the steps and processes used in problem solving and decision making.


Solving a range of complex problems and dealing with a variety of tasks require the thinking skills and strategies that will allow graduates to identify what has to be done and to select and implement the most suitable approach. In applying thinking skills and strategies, graduates will have understood the limits as well as the potential of their own thought processes. As well, in attempting various strategies, they will have explored styles of thinking that may be new to them. This will allow graduates to understand the way they think and how they approach decisions and problems.

Elements of the Performance

  • Clarify the nature and extent of problems or required directions
  • Explore various thinking skills and strategies that could be used
  • Identify limits as well as the potential of one's own thought processes
  • Choose and apply thinking skills and strategies (e.g., inductive and deductive thinking; creative and intuitive thinking; inquiry; critical thinking; and reflection)
  • Evaluate results of the thinking skills and strategies used in problem solving and decision making
  • Appreciate the benefits of the use of alternative types of thinking

7. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

collect, analyze, and organize relevant and necessary information from a variety of sources.


Making decisions and completing tasks often requires information that can be used as support. Graduates, therefore, must be able to access current, relevant, and useful information and to organize that information in understandable ways. In achieving this outcome, graduates will have developed and used strategies to locate and gather a wide range of information, most particularly through technological means. They will have learned how to select pertinent information and to sort it so that it can be displayed in useful formats like databases and spreadsheets. This information can then be used to support decisions and to assist in the completion of tasks.

Elements of the Performance

  • Identify the nature of the information required
  • Investigate sources of information (including people, text, databases, and the Internet)
  • Gather information from the most appropriate sources using various data collection techniques, including technology
  • Examine the information and select what is relevant, important, and useful
  • Employ a variety of techniques to organize the information (e.g., spreadsheets, databases, graphs, and charts)
  • Draw conclusions about how the information can be used
  • Evaluate the processes used
  • Cite sources according to the conventions of the medium used

8. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

evaluate the validity of arguments based on qualitative and quantitative information in order to accept or challenge the findings of others.


With the wealth of numerical and non-numerical information available, graduates must be able to interpret, understand, and draw conclusions about what others have produced. Graduates will have used their mathematical abilities to question the validity of statistics and other numerical claims. Graduates also will have used their language and critical thinking skills to analyze the assumptions and evidence that others use to support more qualitative arguments and conclusions. As a result, graduates will have developed the ability to question and make decisions about what they read, hear, and observe.

Elements of the Performance

  • Identify conclusions and claims made by others
  • Detect any fallacies, biases, misrepresentations, and assumptions and judge their relevance to supporting arguments
  • Check for accuracy and credibility of claims or arguments
  • Be prepared to defend acceptance or rejection of claims or arguments

9. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

create innovative strategies and/or products that meet identified needs.


Creating strategies and products that are original and innovative will require graduates to develop their creative thinking skills to find alternative ways to address situations. Graduates will have developed the confidence to use old information in new ways; to see unique relationships; and to practice the lateral, divergent, and intuitive thinking that will yield new approaches.

Elements of the Performance

  • Analyze needs
  • Generate creative ideas for strategies and products that will meet needs
  • Choose alternatives to pursue based on needs and criteria of projects/plans
  • Create strategies/products
  • Evaluate strategies/products according to meeting needs

10. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

manage the use of time and other resources to attain personal and/or project-related goals.


Achieving task-related goals in their personal and professional lives requires graduates to use their time, money, space, and other, often limited, resources as efficiently as possible. Graduates will have developed their ability to plan and predict ways of achieving goals. They will have developed and used tools intended to assist in the process. Finally, they will have attempted to follow their plans and use the tools, assessing regularly how realistic the goals, plans, and processes are and adapting when it is necessary.

Elements of the Performance

  • Define reasonable and realistic goals
  • Use planning tools (e.g., budgets and schedules) to achieve goals
  • Monitor the process and goals and respond to changes
  • Use resources (e.g., money, space, and time) efficiently to accomplish tasks
  • Reevaluate goals and the use of resources and make appropriate adjustments

11. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

take responsibility for her or his own actions and decisions.


Making decisions, taking positions, and completing tasks require graduates to be accountable for actions taken and to defend their convictions. Graduates will have demonstrated their ability to evaluate what they do and why they do it. They will have taken into consideration their individual values, beliefs, and opinions and the effects these have on their actions. Not only will graduates be able to justify their decisions, they will be able to advocate positively on behalf of themselves.

Elements of the Performance

  • Review the results of one's actions and decisions
  • Reflect on the processes and practices used
  • Identify any errors and make corrections
  • Identify successes for adaptation to other situations
  • Account for how one's own values and beliefs affect actions and decisions
  • Evaluate and act upon constructive feedback
  • Be prepared to defend decisions made and actions taken

12. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

adapt to new situations and demands by applying and/or updating her or his knowledge and skills.


Transferring skills from one context to another enables graduates to be lifelong learners. Graduates will have developed the confidence to know that their current skills are applicable to a range of changing, novel, and unexpected situations. They will have demonstrated their ability to reflect on what they can do, match those skills to the new demands, and apply previous skills or develop the additional ones that will make them as effective in the new situations.

Elements of the Performance

  • Assess current skills, knowledge, and learning styles
  • Identify skills and knowledge required for new situations
  • Adapt current skills and knowledge to new situations
  • Identify new skills and knowledge required
  • Choose the most appropriate learning and working styles to acquire new skills and knowledge
  • Evaluate success of the processes and actual adaptations

13. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

represent her or his skills, knowledge, and experience realistically for personal and employment purposes.


Preparing for changes in their personal and professional lives requires graduates to assess and present their accomplishments and abilities. In achieving this outcome, graduates will have developed their ability to reflect on what they have done and learned. They will also have summarized their abilities in ways that are attractive and useful to potential recipients. These ways may include portfolios and resumes. Finally, graduates will have developed the skills to present themselves and their accomplishments personally and with confidence.

Elements of the Performance

  • Summarize one's own skills, knowledge, and experience realistically
  • Choose formats (e.g., resume, portfolio, and interview) which best display skills, knowledge, and experiences according to the situations
  • Evaluate responses to the representations and make any adjustments

IV. General Education Standard

All graduates of Massage Therapy Programs must have met the general education requirement described on the following pages, in addition to achieving the vocational and generic skills learning outcomes.

The General Education Requirement

The Government of Ontario has established that each college postsecondary program shall include a minimum of one three-hour-per-week general education course of approximately 45 instructional hours per semester. Learners should experience a breadth of goals through their general education studies; and, wherever possible, they should have the opportunity to exercise choice in the selection of their general education courses.

This general education requirement is an integral component of the Massage Therapy Program Standard, along with the vocational and generic skills learning outcomes.

The general education requirement shall be met consistent with the following guiding principles:

  1. General education in the colleges shall identify and deal with issues of societal concern in a manner relevant to the lives of students. General education courses shall be structured in such a way as to guide students through the historical context of such issues, their theoretical bases, and application to contemporary life.

  2. All general education courses offered in the colleges shall be designed to provide benefits to one or more of the three areas: learners' personal growth and enrichment, informed citizenship, and working life.

  3. An essential component of the mission of Ontario's colleges is the encouragement and support of continuous learning. This commitment to lifelong learning shall be reflected in each of the general education courses offered in the colleges.

General education appropriate for Ontario colleges is defined as those postsecondary learning experiences that enable learners to meet more effectively the societal challenges which they face in their community, family, and working life. General education in the colleges provides learners with insight into the enduring nature of the issues being addressed and into their particular relevance to today and the future. It is intended to encourage and support continuous learning. It is delivered as discrete courses which are designed to address one or more of the following goals and associated broad objectives established for general education:

Goals and Broad Objectives

1. Aesthetic Appreciation

understand beauty, form, taste, and the role of the arts in society

Broad Objectives

  • develop critical awareness of the arts in society
  • perceive and evaluate the role of the arts
  • heighten critical appreciation through development and application of personal and formal judgment factors

2. Civic Life

understand the meaning of freedoms, rights, and participation in community and public life

Broad Objectives

  • develop knowledge of the structure and function of governments in Canada: legislative, judicial, and administrative arms; roles of elected officials and public servants; and a personal awareness of citizen responsibility
  • develop historical understanding of major issues affecting Canadian politics and a critical awareness of related public policy
  • develop awareness of international issues and their effects, and the place of Canada in international communities
  • develop awareness of the history, significance, and organization of the voluntary sector in community life

3. Cultural Understanding

understand the cultural, social, ethnic, and linguistic diversity of Canada and the world

Broad Objectives

  • develop an understanding of cultural identity by linking personal history to broader cultural study
  • develop an understanding of the diversity of cultures and subcultures represented in Canadian society and of their interactions within the Canadian society
  • develop intercultural understanding through reasoned reflection on various cultures' responses to universal human issues

4. Personal Development

gain greater self-awareness, intellectual growth, well-being, and understanding of others

Broad Objectives

  • consider one's expectations and values and analyze their impact on personal goals
  • apply an understanding of the individual and human development to personal life and relationships
  • integrate the concept of well-being into one's lifestyle
  • understand oneself as a learner and articulate one's own learning style

5. Social Understanding

understand relationships among individuals and society

Broad Objectives

  • develop informed understanding of social organization and institutions and of ongoing issues in relationships between individuals, groups, and societies
  • develop informed understanding of social trends, social change, and social problems and of implications for social and personal response
  • develop informed understanding of contemporary social problems and issues

6. Understanding Science

appreciate the contribution of science to the development of civilization, human understanding, and potential

Broad Objectives

  • develop an understanding of the history, philosophy, contributions, perspectives, and limitations of the sciences
  • develop an understanding of the scientific method and its uses in measuring quantifiable entities and confirming laws of nature

7. Understanding Technology

understand the interrelationship between the development and use of technology and society and the ecosystem

Broad Objectives

  • relate implications of current transformations in technological knowledge and development to our physical and biological world
  • develop awareness of ethical positions on enduring issues regarding the place of the human species in the physical and biological world

8. Work and the Economy

understand the meaning, history, and organization of work; and working life challenges to the individual and society

Broad Objectives

  • set personal expectations for efficiency, effectiveness, ethics, and rewards and reconcile them with the changing work environment
  • apply knowledge of the organization and structure of work, its institutions, and history; and of social and cultural attitudes to work
  • develop an understanding of the changing nature of work and the economy