Red Seal LogoThe Interprovincial Standards "Red Seal" ProgramThe Interprovincial Standards "Red Seal" ProgramImage
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The Interprovincial Standards “Red Seal” Program (also known as the Red Seal Program) was established more than 45 years ago to provide greater ease for mobility of skilled workers throughout Canada.

This Web site will enable you to learn more about the Red Seal Program, apprenticeship, national standards and trade certification. You will also be able to access a comparative chart of provincial and territorial training programs (Ellis Chart), a list of Red Seal trades and their national occupational analyses (standards) that Red Seal endorsements are based on.

The Web site also provides the addresses of provincial and territorial apprenticeship branch offices, as well as an order form that will enable you to get copies of publications produced in support of the Program.

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Did You Know Image
Thomas Edison is credited with having said: "Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work!"

Last Modified Date:2004-10-26

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