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Market Development Branch
Ontario Food Exports
Export Marketing Unit

Author: Market Development Branch
Innovation and Competitiveness Division/OMAFRA
Creation Date: 05 November 2003
Last Reviewed: 09 August 2005


The Ontario Food Exports unit assists Ontario Agri-Food companies to develop export sales in the United States and Internationally. This is accomplished through trade promotion programs, export missions, incoming trade delegations and the provision of market intelligence to Ontario producers and processors. The unit is made up of Export Marketing Officers with sector responsibilities, who work with exporting companies and assist those wishing to become export ready. Other Export Marketing Officers have responsibilities for geographic areas such as Asia and Europe. A Supervisor of Marketing Communications, Events Coordination and Research, an Export Communications Officer and an Export Marketing Assistant also complement the unit.

General Inquiry:

5th Floor NW, 1 Stone Road West
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
N1G 4Y2
Phone: (519) 826-4210
1-888-466-2372 ext 6-4210 (Ontario only)
Fax: (519) 826-3460

Specific Inquiry:

If you require further information on export services and programs you are advised to contact the appropriate sector specialist listed below (just click on their name to send an email message):

Employee Information:

Name Job Title Number
Sector Specialists
Jim Berry Beverage/Confectionery/Snack Food/
/ Processed Meats 
(519) 826-3767 
Debra Oliver Fruit and Vegetables/Horticulture/
/ Prepared and Dry Ingredients 
(519) 826-3945 
Paul Chessman Meat/Fish/Poultry/Game/Primary Agriculture  (519) 826-7765
Kathryn Liotta Speciality/Gourmet/Health/Pet Food/
/ Deli / Dairy Products 
(519) 826-4018
Karen Moore Bakery/Cereal/Prepared Frozen Foods (519) 826-3686
Geographic Specialists
Amos Tin  Asia/Pacific  (519) 826-3489
Murray Howatson  United States  (519) 826-3790
Diana Campbell Mexico/U.K./Germany  (519) 826-3982
Export Services and Co-ordination 
Dermod Mark Manager, Export Development (519) 826-3693
Alan Crawley Supervisor, Marketing Communications,
Research and Event Coordination
(519) 826-3564
Dean Post Client Information Officer
Communications, Research, Seminars, Newsletter, Events
(519) 826-4477
Karen Edwards Marketing Assistant,
Market Research, Library
(519) 826-3768
International Trade Advisors 
Joe Senft Ontario Foodlink - Eastern US (New York)  (908) 790-0156 
Rick Tuma Ontario Foodlink - Central US (Chicago)  (630) 820-7144 

EMO = Export Marketing Officer

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