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December 4, 2006
2007 Provincial Pre-budget Survey
Communications / General News

The OCC has created a survey to identify finance and tax issues that are of importance to Chamber of Commerce and Board of Trade members. The results of this survey will be used to develop the 2007 Provincial Pre-Budget Submission and prioritize areas of focus to assist in the development of policy positions. All members are encouraged to complete this survey by December 19th, 5pm.

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November 30, 2006
Legislative Watch - Volume 10, Issue 39 & 40
Communications / Newsletter - Legislative Watch

This week's edition of Legislative Watch (Issue 39 & 40) is now available.

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November 23, 2006
Fall Statement Sets Right Tone For Economy
Communications / Media Releases

The federal government’s economic statement set a positive tone today but fell a step short of creating a stronger, more prosperous economy.

“Minister Flaherty addressed some key issues concerning our members across the province with modest tax cuts, reduction in red tape and laudable debt reduction targets,” said Len Crispino, President and CEO of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC). “But with some areas short on specifics, the devil will be in the detail, as they say.”

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November 16, 2006
Partnership Facilitates Growth of Ontario Business into Global Markets
Communications / Media Releases

Through a collaboration announced today between the Ontario Chamber of Commerce and the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Ontario businesses will be better able to leverage the vast opportunities in the Asia Pacific region.

The China Initiative utilizes Hong Kong's position as the gateway to Mainland China in order to provide Ontario a taking-off point into this fast developing economy and a potential base for regional expansion.

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November 15, 2006
Province's Premiere Business Awards Recognize Business Achievement
Communications / Media Releases

Eleven Ontario businesses and one association have been recognized for excellence at the twenty-fourth annual Ontario Business Achievement Awards (OBAA) gala.

"Praise comes along all too seldom," said Len Crispino, President and CEO of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce. "Tonight we are proud to be able to celebrate the achievements of some of the most successful organizations in our province and to acknowledge their substantial contributions to Ontario's economy."

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November 14, 2006
25th Annual Business Achievement Awards - November 2007
Events / Outstanding Business Achievement Awards

The Ontario Global Traders Awards (OGTA) program - Ontario’s premier export recognition program for the past eight years - has a new look in the future.

The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade and the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) have joined forces to recognize Ontario’s most innovative and successful exporters in two award categories: Innovation and Market Expansion. This is in addition to the Ontario Chamber’s categories. Together, we will truly recognize Ontario’s Business Excellence!

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November 13, 2006
Retooling for a prosperous Ontario
Policy / Reports

The OCC released a new report at this year's Ontario Economic Summit. "Retooling for a Prosperous Ontario, A Global Perspective on Skilled Trades" explores best practices in other jurisdictions that have dealt with a shortage in skilled trades.

The report provides an update on Ontario's progress since the release of the Ontario Chamber's first report in September, 2005 detailing initiatives that have been taken since that time and the challenges currently facing Ontario.

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November 1, 2006
2006 Corporate Finance & Taxation Policies
Policy / Reports

To make Ontario, and Canada, an attractive destination for investment, it is essential that the provincial and federal governments reduce regulation burdens on businesses and adopt an integrated corporate tax system with a single administration.

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October 20, 2006
Submission Re: the OPA's Conservation and Demand Management discussion paper
Policy / Submissions and Correspondence

The Ontario Chamber of Commerce has commented on the Ontario Power Authority's Conservation and Demand Management (CDM) discussion paper.

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October 10, 2006
2006 Border Policies
Policy / Reports

The Ontario Chamber of Commerce and its members are greatly concerned about the efficient movement of goods and people across the Ontario-US border.

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October 6, 2006
Corporate Tax Consolidation a Big Win for OCC
Communications / Media Releases

TORONTO – Ontario businesses will benefit from one tax return, one set of rules and one point of contact as a result of a new federal-provincial corporate income tax collection agreement.

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September 5, 2006
2007 Federal Pre-Budget Submission
Policy / Submissions and Correspondence

Read the OCC's 2007 Federal Pre-Budget Submission: Enhancing Productivity Growth in Canada.

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August 28, 2006
Ontario Citizens' Assembly: Be a part of history in the making
Communications / General News

What would happen if you put an artist, an engineer, a homemaker, a small business owner, a teacher, and so many others, in a room together and gave them the power to recommend a change to the shape of Ontario's electoral system?

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August 21, 2006
Submission to the Standing Committee on Social Policy Re: Bill 43
Policy / Submissions and Correspondence

Today, OCCs President and CEO, Len Crispino presented to the Standing Committee on Social Policy concerns surrounding Bill 43, The Clean Water Act. Read Len's remarks as well as the OCC's written submission.

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August 14, 2006
Solid Principles Needed To Fix Fiscal Federalism
Communications / Media Releases

OTTAWA - In a speech today to a group of municipal leaders, Len Crispino, President of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce put forward seven principles that should form a new basis for the federal transfer payment system - including equalization.

"There is wide acknowledgement that Canada's system of wealth transfers is broken," said Crispino. "To find solutions that both the provincial and the federal governments can agree on requires a solid foundation - these principles provide that foundation."

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Building a Stronger Federation - AMO Remarks
Communications / Speeches

Read Len Crispino's speech to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario.

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August 8, 2006
2006 Property Tax Policies
Policy / Reports

The Ontario Chamber of Commerce and its members have identified a number of important issues relating to Ontario's property tax system. The property tax system is an inefficient and regressive structure that serves to create major economic distortions between municipalities across the province. The attached report is a compilation of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce's views on the property tax system, including many recommendations on how to mend its deficiencies.

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June 5, 2006
Expert Panel on Equalization misses the mark
Communications / Media Releases

Today's report by the federal group examining equalization put forward many well-thought out recommendations that would improve the program, but seriously underestimated the impact of natural resource revenue on contributing provinces - particularly Ontario.

The Expert Panel on Equalization and Territorial Funding Formula Financing's report recommended to the government that 50 per cent of revenue from natural resources be included in the Equalization formula.

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June 1, 2006
Submission to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs Re: Bill 104
Policy / Submissions and Correspondence

OCC President and CEO, Len Crispino, presented to the Standing Committee on Finance & Economics Affairs the Chamber's concerns surrounding Bill 104: An Act to Establish the Greater Toronto Transportation Authority and to Repeal the Go Transit Act, on June 1st 2006.

As the agency nears fruition, the OCC has voiced its concerns surrounding the GTTA's capacity to develop and implement a regional sustainable transportation strategy. The OCC had hoped that the province empower the GTTA to plan and execute its strategy for a comprehensive multimodal transportation system. However, the GTTA's powers are clearly limited primarily by the ambiguous language used in Bill 104 to define the authority's ability to determine, implement and fund priorities.

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May 23, 2006
A World of Experience
Communications / General News

The Ontario Chamber, through its Ontario Economic Summit, works closely with the Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council (TRIEC). From May 29 to June 3, 2006, TRIEC presents an exciting week of events profiling the immigrants who have made the Toronto Region their home, and the employers and others who have aided in their successful integration into the workforce.

Click here for more information.

May 12, 2006
Letter to the Hon. Stockwell Day, MP regarding WHTI
Policy / Submissions and Correspondence

Read the OCC's letter to Minister of Public Safety, the Honourable Stockwell Day regarding the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative.

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May 9, 2006
Letter to Premier McGuinty regarding Bill 102
Policy / Submissions and Correspondence

In a recent letter to Premier McGuinty the OCC identified concerns surrounding Bill 102, The Transparent Drug System for Patients Act 2006.

The OCC recognizes in the letter the need for more accountability and cost saving measures with the current health care system; however there is a concern that some of the reforms being introduced in Bill 102 will have unintended consequences on our economy.

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May 7, 2006
2006 Adopted AGM Policy Resolutions
Policy / Resolutions

The final, approved policy resolutions for 2006 is now available for download.

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May 6, 2006
Reaching Further - 94th AGM Keynote Address
Communications / Speeches

Len Crispino's keynote address at the 94th Annual General Meeting in Hamilton.

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May 5, 2006
Advocacy Handbook - 2006 Edition
Policy / Advocacy Handbook

The 2006 edition of the OCC's advocacy handbook is now available for download.

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May 2, 2006
2006-2007 Federal Pre-Budget Submission
Policy / Submissions and Correspondence

Existing policy resolutions were used to develop the OCC's 2006-2007 Federal Pre-Budget Submission. The OCC's main recommendation to the federal government is Fairness in Confederation: Addressing the $23 billion fiscal imbalance in Ontario.

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Chamber Priorities Addressed in 2006-07 Federal Budget
Communications / Media Releases

The Harper Government has addressed some major priorities of the Ontario business community, including tax cuts, fiscal imbalance, border issues and the skilled trades shortage.

"We are thrilled to see this government step up to the plate to address the issues of concern to our members," said Len Crispino, President and CEO of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC). "This budget will help to improve the competitiveness of this province and of our members."

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2006 Federal Budget Matrix
Policy / Reports

Read the OCC's 2006 Federal Budget Matrix.

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