Government of Ontario Canada Wordmark

Canada-Ontario Business Service Centre

Network for Women Entrepreneurs

Industry Canada (IC)

Last Verified: 2006-05-08

The Network for Women Entrepreneurs in Ontario (NWE) is part of a national initiative that ensures that Canadian women have the information, counselling and training they need to start, operate and grow their own businesses.

Eligibility Criteria

Women entrepreneurs in Ontario


Women entrepreneurs can now access business information services toll-free or by visiting the Web site. 

The Network is delivered federally by Industry Canada and administered by the Canada-Ontario Business Service Centre (COBSC).

Women entrepreneurs already benefit from the existing resources provided through the COBSC, including access to business information and practical advice through its online services, and in-person access sites.

Ontario Contact(s):
Network for Women in Entrepreneurs in Ontario
Fax: (416) 954-8597
Toll-free (information): 1-888-300-9308
Web site:

National Contact(s):
See regional contact(s).

Copyright Information: © 2006 Queen's Printer for Ontario

Last Modified: 2006-05-08