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Canada-Ontario Business Service Centre - Services for entrepreneurs - 1-800-567-2345

Women in Business Info-Guide

Last Verified: 2006-05-05

The following document was prepared by the Canada-Ontario Business Service Centre (COBSC) a single point of access to information on federal and provincial government programs, services and regulations. This guide is designed to help navigate through federal and provincial government programs, services and resources that may be of interest to women entrepreneurs in Ontario.  Although many questions will be answered in this guide, the list of resources given here is not exhaustive.

Need more information?

Click: Canada-Ontario Business Service Centre
Call: 1-800-567-2345
Visit: The Regional Access Program Location Index for a listing of offices in Ontario.

Some of the organizations listed below are not subject to the federal Official Languages Act or the French Language Services Act of Ontario. Their services may not be available in both official languages.


  1. Women in Business
  2. Resources and Web sites of Interest

1. Women in Business

In Canada, the business landscape has changed over the years. Industry Canada has reported the number of women who head companies in Canada has doubled since 1990. As a result, women partially or wholly own nearly half of Canadian small businesses. Most women entrepreneurs in Canada work in either the service and retail sectors, however this is changing, as women are now beginning to own larger numbers of small and medium sized companies in emerging fields of technology and manufacturing.

This Info-Guide provides information on a variety of resources for women entrepreneurs; including tax and employment information, financing, as well as on various associations and online publications.

Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act
The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents (PIPED) Act sets out ground rules for how private sector organizations may collect use or disclose personal information in the course of commercial activities. As of January 1, 2002, the personal health information collected, used or disclosed by these organizations is also covered.

For further information:
please call 1-800-282-1376
visit these Web sites:
A Guide for Businesses and Organizations
Information and Privacy Commissioner
see the document Protection of Personal Information - Your Responsibilities

2. Regulations

For regulatory or legal questions, it may be useful to contact a lawyer through the Law Society of Upper Canada’s Lawyer Referral Service.

For further information:
please call (416) 947-3300 or 1-800-668-7380
visit the Web site:
Law Society of Upper Canada
see the document Selecting Professional Services

Depending on what your product or service you are supplying, different regulations will apply. Below are some basic governmental regulations that apply to all businesses in Ontario.

Status of Women Canada (SWC)

The federal government’s department which promotes gender equality and the full participation of women in the economic, social, cultural and political life of the country. SWC focuses its work in three areas: improving women's economic autonomy and well-being, eliminating systemic violence against women and children and advancing women's human rights.

For further information:
please call (613) 995-7835
visit the Web site:
Status of Women Canada

The Pay Equity Act

The Pay Equity Act requires that different jobs be evaluated and work mostly or traditionally done by women be compared to work mostly and traditionally done by men. An employer could, for example, compare the value of the work of a secretary, a traditionally female job, to the value of a shipper, a traditionally male job. If the value to the organization is equal or comparable, the secretary must receive at least the same job rate as the shipper.

For further information:
please call 1-800-387-8813 or (416) 314-1896
visit the Web site:
The Pay Equity Commission
see the document: Employer’s Introduction to Pay Equity

Ontario Human Rights Code

All employers in Ontario must adhere to the Ontario Human Rights Code. The code states that all Employment decisions should be based on the applicant's ability to do the job and not on factors that are unrelated to the job.

For further information:
please call 1-800-387-9080
visit the Web site:
Hiring : Your rights and responsibilities

Employment Standards Act

The Employment Standards Branch of the Ontario Ministry of Labour is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Employment Standards Act, which provides for minimum terms and conditions of employment in most industries.

For further information:
please call (416) 326-7160 or 1-800-531-5551
visit the Web site:
What You Should Know About The Ontario Employment Standards Act
see the documents:
Employment Regulations Info-Guide
Employment and Training Assistance Programs Info-Guide
Are You an Employee or Self-Employed?

Related Legislation
Employment Standards Act

3. Financing

Access to capital is one of the most challenging aspects of business ownership. However, according to an Industry Canada study of small and medium businesses, the majority of female business owners had an 82% approval rating for loans in 2000. There are various programs and resources for women in obtaining financing; listed below are some of the tools and resources available to women entrepreneurs in Ontario.

Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC)
The BDC has increased the availability of financing for fast-growing, women-owned firms in Canada. BDC aims to provide women entrepreneurs with the necessary resources so they can expand their businesses and seek new market opportunities outside of Canada. The Business Development Bank of Canada provides women entrepreneurs with both access to financing as well as consulting services to help foster business growth and development.

For further information:
please call 1-888-463-6232
visit these Web sites:
Women entrepreneurs and access to financing
Woman Entrepreneur
see the document Women Entrepreneurs' Fund

Canada Small Business Financing Program
Business Financing Program can assist new and existing small businesses with annual gross revenues not exceeding $5 million (excluding farming and charitable or religious enterprises) in obtaining term loans and capital leases of up to $250 000 to help finance fixed asset needs.

For further information :
please call (613) 954-5540
visit the Web site:
Canada Small Business Financing Program
see these documents:
Canada Small Business Financing (CSBF) Program
Sources of Financing
Sources of Micro-credit Financing

Investing in Women’s Futures (OWD)
The Ontario Women’s Directorate provides funding to women’s based organizations operating in the province of Ontario.

To be eligible for funding, an organization must be:

  • a community-based, non-profit agency that is run by and for women.
  • providing ongoing services and programs to women as its main priority.
  • managed and sponsored by an incorporated board that includes community members and others who provide services to women.
  • financially stable for the duration of the funding period.

For further information:
please call (416) 314-0300
visit the Web site:

PARO Centre For Women's Enterprise
PARO provides financing to women entrepreneurs in the Thunder Bay, Greenstone, Patricia and Superior North regions. Although all industry sectors may be eligible for PARO's financing, you must be part of a peer circle in order to apply for a loan.

For further information :
visit the Web site:
PARO Centre For Women's Enterprise

Northern Opportunities for Women
The PARO Centre for Women's Enterprise is now offering the Northern Opportunities for Women program.  The program's focus is to help women achieve economic independence by either starting a business, or finding a job.

For further information:
visit the Web site:
Northern Opportunities

The Community Futures program in Ontario, is a community economic development program which provides financial support to Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs) in selected communities in rural and Northern Ontario. The program is intended to strengthen and diversify the local economies. The CFDCs provide advice, information and referral service to local businesses and entrepreneurs. They also provide access to capital for small businesses.

For listings of Community Futures Development Corporation offices in your area, see these documents Community Futures Development Corporations in Ontario - Postal Code K, Community Futures Development Corporations in Ontario - Postal Code L, Community Futures Development Corporations in Ontario - Postal Code N, and Community Futures Development Corporations in Ontario - Postal Code P

4. Training and Mentorship Programs

The Network for Women Entrepreneurs (NWE)
The Network for Women Entrepreneurs (NWE) provides you with the resources and personal support to succeed. Through its web portal, you will find access to key business information, business counselling and community outreach services, expert consultants and other business support organizations throughout Ontario to help women achieve success in business.

For further information:
please call 1-888-300-9308
visit the Web site:
The Network for Women Entrepreneurs (NWE)

Women in Skilled Trades (WIST)
WIST offers a pre-apprenticeship training program designed exclusively for women that includes in-school training followed by a paid work placement at an employer’s work site.

For further information:
visit the Web site
Promoting Women's Participation in Skilled Trades

A Commitment to Training and Employment for Women (ACTEW)
ACTEW is a provincial group comprised of different supporters, trainers, agencies, and organizations delivering employment and training services to women.

For further information:
please call (416) 599-3590
visit the Web site:
A Commitment to Training and Employment for Women (ACTEW)

Information Technology Training for Women
Information Technology Training for Womens a program that enables women to secure employment, further training and certification in the IT sector.

For further information:
visit the Web site:
Information Technology Training for Women

Entrewomen is a non-profit project, which connects women to mentors and networking groups, provides access to online training and business information, and facilitating the growth of entrepreneurial alliances.

For further information:
please call (416) 599-3590
visit the Web site:

Women Entrepreneurs
As part of their commitment to help women entrepreneurs achieve their aspirations, the RBC Royal Bank provides an online community for sharing news, contacts, experiences and resources for Canadian women interested in growing their businesses.

For further information:
visit the Web site:
Women Entrepreneurs

Step Ahead
A not-for-profit volunteer organization providing educational and practical learning opportunities for women business owners.

For further information :
visit the Web site:
Step Ahead Online

Canadian Association of Women Executives & Entrepreneurs (CAWEE)
A networking and social alliance of innovative entrepreneurs, successful small business owners and business leaders from some of Canada's most influential organizations.

For further information:
visit the Web site:
Canadian Association of Women Executives & Entrepreneurs (CAWEE)

CATA WIT (Women in Technology) Forum
CATA's WIT (Women in Technology) Forum is a new community network designed to boost women's participation and advancement in the high-growth technology sector. Our mission is to help women in technology companies advance in their careers and succeed as entrepreneurs through mentoring, networking, professional development and advocacy.

For further information :
visit the Web site:
Women in Technology Forum

5. Taxation

Dealing with Business Taxes

All businesses must be aware of the various taxes that may apply to their product or service. Depending on the type and location of products or services being offered, federal, provincial and/or municipal business taxes may apply.

For further information:
visit these Web sites:
Provincial Tax Forms and Publications
Small Business Tax Help
CRA Business Tax Web Page
see the document Taxation Info-Guide

Income Tax Information

Business owners must be aware of the requirements of Income tax that may apply to their product or service. There are different tax implications for incorporated and non-incorporated businesses. For information specific to your organization you should consult an accountant or financial professional.

For further information:
please call: 1-800-959-5525
visit these Web sites:
Ontario Income Tax
Canada Revenue Taxes Menu
see the document: Taxation Info-Guide

Below are links to publications that cover some of the general tax requirements for business owners in Ontario.

Ontario Small Business Guide
This booklet will guide you through various aspects of Retail Sales Tax, Corporations Tax and Employer Health Tax. This booklet also answers some of the frequently asked questions of small business owners regarding tax obligations.

Employer Health Tax (EHT)
Describes the main features of the EHT, including taxpayer rights and responsibilities under the Employer Health Tax Act

For further information:
see the document Employer Health Tax - EHT

Retention/Destruction of Books & Records
Explains the retention period required for Ontario tax purposes, before books and records can be destroyed.

Voluntary Disclosure
Explains what voluntary compliance is and the basic principles under which Ontario's tax system operates

6. Associations

There are many different groups and organizations that can help women entrepreneurs with networking opportunities as well as online resources and information. The following list are some of the organizations both private and public available to women in business.

Women Entrepreneurs of Canada (WEC)
A federally incorporated, non-profit organization. It was founded in Toronto in 1992 to serve the interests of established women entrepreneurs. WEC provides a dynamic environment, high-quality programming and opportunities for women entrepreneurs to enrich and enhance their personal and professional lives.

For further information:
please call 1-866-207-4439
see the document Women Entrepreneurs of Canada
visit the Web site:
Women Entrepreneurs of Canada (WEC)

Women Inventors Project
A non-profit organization working to increase the number of successful inventors and entrepreneurs in Canada. The Project supports the innovative and scientific endeavours of Canadian women through programs that educate and heighten public awareness.

For further information:
please call (905) 731-0328 or 1 877 863-2471

Businesswomen in Trade
This Web site was created for Canadian businesswomen to find information relevant to exporting and export activities. It provides an entry point to a wealth of information on how to prepare for and to succeed in the export marketplace, including direct links to other useful Internet resources and sources of information interesting to Canadian businesswomen.

For further information:
please call (613) 850-7496
visit the Web site:
Businesswomen in Trade

The Business and Professional Women’s Club of Ontario
This is a private organization that works towards improving economic and employment conditions for women.

For further information:
visit the Web site:
The Business and Professional Women’s Club of Ontario

Women's Enterprise & Resource Centre
The Women’s Enterprise & Resource Centre is a community-based business centre for women who are developing micro-enterprises and small businesses. It offers programs, services, and resources to women entrepreneurs for business start-up and operation.

For further information :
please call 416-247-7181
visit the Web site:
Women's Enterprise & Resource Centre

Women Who Excel
Women Who Excel is a member driven organization for women entrepreneurs in the Hamilton Wentworth and Halton Regions. The organization provides panel discussions, networking opportunities, as well as presentations and demonstrations for women looking to foster growth in their businesses.

For further information:
please call 905-547-7135 or 1-800-363-0268
visit the Web site:
Women Who Excel

7. Resources and Web Sites of Interest

Publications of Interest

Businesswomen in Trade business publications

Promoting Women's Participation in Skilled Trades

Business Week Online's Women & Business

Web Sites of Interest

Partners for Change

Influential Women of Northern Ontario

Women in Leadership

Women Executives Network

Women in Capital Markets

Canadian Women in Communications

Information contained in this document is of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute advice for any specific fact situation. Users concerned about the reliability of the information should consult directly with the source, or seek legal counsel.

Links Policy
Some of the hypertext links lead to non-federal government sites which are not subject to the Official Languages Act and the material is available in one language only.

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