Government of Ontario Canada Wordmark

Canada-Ontario Business Service Centre


Canada-Ontario Business Service Centre - COBSC

Last Verified: 2006-03-29

Taxation Information You Can Find on the COBSC Web site

Taxation Info-Guide
Are You an Employee or Self-Employed?
Trust Accounts Division
Small Business Information Seminar
Business Window
Electronic Filing - EFILE Qs and As
Finance and Taxation Information for Enterprises
Canada Revenue Agency
Goods and Services Tax and Harmonized Sales Tax - GST/HST
GST/HST Returns
Informing Buyers of the Goods and Services Tax
GST/HST and Indians
Business Number - BN
Income Tax Returns - the T2 Corporate Income Tax Return and the T2 Short Return
Income Tax Returns - T1 General Income Tax and Benefit Return
Regulating Tax Rebate Discounting Businesses
Corporation Internet Filing
Excise Taxes and Excise Duties
Fees - Excise Duty Licenses
Collection of Tax Arrears
Services of the Income Tax Rulings Directorate
Services Provided by Excise and GST/HST Rulings Program
Objections and Appeals - Income Tax Act/Excise Tax Act
Ontario Ministry of Finance
Purchase Exemption Certificates for Retail Sales Tax
Vendor Permits and the Retail Sales Tax
Employer Health Tax - EHT
Canada Pension Plan - Payroll Deductions
Canada Pension Plan - Social Insurance Numbers
Income Tax - Payroll Deductions
Income Tax Returns - T1 General Income Tax and Benefit Return
New Employer Visits
Trust Accounts Division
Tables on Diskette - Payroll Deductions
GST/HST Rebates for Public Service Bodies
Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit
Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED;) Program
Ontario Innovation Tax Credit (OITC)
Ecological Gifts Program

Non-Web-Based Resources

Library Resources
Specialized Research Service

Still can't find what you're looking for?

Speak to an Information Officer by calling the COBSC at 1-800-567-2345 or visit a Regional Access Program office near you by checking our   Regional Access Program Location Index.

Copyright Information: © 2006 Queen's Printer for Ontario

Last Modified: 2006-07-05