Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food
Reports and Responses

A standing, special or legislative committee may make its views known to the House and brings forward recommendations on matters it has studied by presenting a report to the House. Under Standing Order 109, a standing or special committee may request that the government table a comprehensive response to its report within 120 days of the presentation of the report.

For more information about committee reports and government responses, please consult Committees - A Practical Guide.

  • Report 10 - Final Report: Financial analysis relative to meat packing companies in the context of the BSE crisis of 2003 (Adopted by the Committee on November 21, 2005; Presented to the House on November 28, 2005)
  • Report 9 - World Trade Organization negotiations on agriculture (Adopted by the Committee on November 21, 2005; Presented to the House on November 24, 2005)
  • Report 8 - Riding Mountain National Park Bovine tuberculosis monitoring and eradication programs (Adopted by the Committee on October 27, 2005; Presented to the House on November 2, 2005)

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