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International prime contractor solution

Are you curious about the full package that gives you the option of a government-to-government arrangement or a Government guarantee of contract performance for your buyer?

The International prime contractor solution is one of CCC’s most popular because of the added benefit of having more than just contracting expertise on your side – you also bring in the weight of the Government of Canada to support your export deal —with an offer of our unique government-to-government arrangement and our Government guarantee of contract performance.

This service combines the benefits of many CCC core offerings into an effective business solution for selling to government customers around the world. You get the benefits of each of the following services rolled up to greater effect:

Joint sales presentation
Letter of support
Proposal preparation service
Contract structuring and negotiation service
Contract monitoring and administration service

What to expect

The services that are bundled together here offer the same great value around giving you access to contracting expertise. The added benefit of this solution-based approach is the Government guarantee of contract performance and the government-to-government options that become possible when CCC acts as prime contractor on your sale.

What we need from you

We’ll need information on your customer’s requirement and the product or service you are selling as well as documents that will allow CCC to perform the managerial, technical and financial review of your company such as bios on management cadre and audited financial statements.

You’ll need to submit an application form with an administrative fee of $500 plus GST to open your file.

This service is offered with a variety of pricing and payment options. A service agreement will be put in place defining the scope of work and estimated cost for delivery.

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