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Canada-Ontario Business Service Centre - Services for entrepreneurs - 1-800-567-2345

Not-for-Profit Info-Guide

Last Verified: 2006-05-05

The following document was prepared by the Canada-Ontario Business Service Centre (COBSC), a single point of access to information on federal and provincial government programs, services and regulations.  It is designed to assist in navigating through federal and provincial government programs, services and resources that may be of interest to those involved, or wishing to become involved, in Ontario's social economy.  Although many questions will be answered in this guide, the list of resources given here is not exhaustive.

Need more information?

Click: Canada-Ontario Business Service Centre
Call: 1-800-567-2345
Visit: The Regional Access Program Location Index for a listing of offices in Ontario.

Some of the organizations listed below are not subject to the federal Official Languages Act or the French Language Services Act of Ontario. Their services may not be available in both official languages.


  1. Other resources

1. Definition of a Not-for-Profit Organization

Not-for-profit organizations are created to benefit the community. Activities of a not-for-profit organization may be of a patriotic, national, charitable, philanthropic, religious, professional, or athletic nature without monetary gain. Directors, officers and/or members of a not-for-profit corporation do not own the corporation or its assets. The organization may not be operated for financial gain for its members, officers or directors. In certain circumstances a not-for-profit organization may engage in revenue producing activities and earn a profit, however these activities are to be conducted solely to further the principal objectives of the organization. For example, a not-for-profit theatre club may hold a bake sale to raise money, which would then be used to buy costumes for the club.

2. Choosing a Legal Structure

Legal Professional Services

As there are a number of legal issues involved in selecting a legal structure for a not-for-profit organization, it may be important to contact a lawyer. The Law Society of Upper Canada offers a Lawyer Referral Service. For a nominal fee, one can receive a referral to a lawyer, and a free legal consultation of up to a half hour.

For further information:
please call (416) 947-3300 or 1-800-668-7380
visit the Web site:
The Law Society of Upper Canada
see the document Legal Issues in Starting a Business

Possible Structures for a Not-for-Profit Organization

Not-for-profit groups can organize in a variety of methods. It is important to contact legal professional services when deciding on the structure most suited to the organizations' planned activities. Generally, the three main methods of creating a not-for-profit organization include:

  • Provincial Incorporation
  • Federal Incorporation
  • Establishing a Co-operative

More information regarding these structures can be found in sections 3 and 4 of this document.

It is possible for a not-for-profit organization to operate under a name without any form of registration. Such an organization may, however, have difficulty entering a number of common business transactions including banking services, signing leases and entering into other types of contracts. Questions regarding this type of not-for-profit structure and any legal documentation that may be required when creating this type of organization, should be addressed to legal counsel.

3. Incorporating a Not-for-Profit Incorporation

A not-for-profit organization can be incorporated at either the federal or provincial level. There must be a fixed number of directors, not fewer than 3, and each director must be at least 18 years of age.

Ontario Not-for-Profit Incorporation

Under the Ontario Corporations Act (CA), individuals who wish to incorporate a not-for-profit corporation at the Ontario level must submit a number of documents to the Companies and Personal Property Security Branch of the Ontario Ministry of Government Services (MGS).

For further information:
please call (416) 314-8880 or 1-800-361-3223
see the document Incorporating a Not-for-Profit Organization

Ontario Reporting Requirements
Within 60 days of incorporation, one is required to file an Initial Return with the Corporate Notices Section of the Ministry of Government Services (MGS).

For further information:
please call (416) 314-8880 or 1-800-361-3223
visit the Web site:
Reporting Requirements

Federal Not-for-Profit Incorporation

Federal incorporation affords corporations heightened name protection, second only to trademark protection. This means they can carry out their activities across Canada under their name. Not-for-profit organizations are incorporated at the federal level under the Canada Corporations Act- Part II. This includes both charitable corporations and membership corporations, such as social, professional or fraternal organizations.

For further information:
please call (416) 954-2714 or 1-866-333-5556
visit the Web site:
Not-for-Profit Organizations (Canada Corporations Act - Part II)
see the document Federal Not-For-Profit Incorporation - Canada Corporations Act / Part II

Annual Summary

Once incorporated, a not-for-profit corporation must file an Annual Summary with the Corporations Canada, on or before June 1st of each year, containing information relating to the year ending March 31st.

For further information:
please call (416) 954-2714 or 1-866-333-5556
visit the Web site
Annual Summary

4. Cooperatives

A co-operative is owned by an association of persons seeking to satisfy common needs (access to products or services, sale of their products or services, employment, etc.).

This association includes one or more kinds of users or stakeholders in the enterprise, such as:

  • consumers who use the enterprise to acquire products or services (such as a retail housing, health-care or day-care co-operative);
  • producers (such as independent entrepreneurs, artisans or farmers) who use the enterprise to process and market the goods or services they have produced, or to buy products or services necessary to their professional activities; or
  • workers who use the enterprise to secure their employment and control their working conditions.

Co-operatives operate democratically (one person, one vote) through two bodies: general meetings of the members or delegates, and the board of directors, at least two-thirds of whom are members elected at a general meeting. The delegate structure may reflect the size of the organization or the distance covered by the co-operative and include more than one delegate for each organization or territory represented.

The co-operative's start-up capital usually comes from co-operative shares purchased by members. Federal co-operatives, however, can raise capital by issuing investment shares to members or non-members.

For further information:
see the document Co-operatives Info-Guide

5. Charitable Status

Canadians may receive tax relief for contributing to organizations that have charitable status. Generally, organizations with the primary purpose of benefiting the community as a whole (for example, the relief of poverty, advancement of religious instruction for the public good, advancement of education, animal welfare, etc.) may apply for charitable status.

The Charities Directorate of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is responsible for charities under the Income Tax Act . It reviews applications for charitable registration, processes charities annual financial returns, provides technical advice to registered charities and the public, and monitors charities to ensure ongoing compliance with the law.

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) registers qualifying organizations as charities, gives technical advice on operating a charity and handles audit and compliance activities.

Registered charities are required to file an annual return with the CRA, a portion of which is available to the public, and must meet certain requirements of the Income Tax Act concerning their expenditures and activities.

More than 80 000 registered charities operate in Canada, in areas such as welfare, health, education and religion.

For further information:
please call CRA at 1-800-267-2384 or (613) 954-6215
visit the Web site
see the document Information on Charities

6. Funding

While the options listed below do not cover all possible sources, they may assist in searching for possible funding:

The Trillium Foundation
This foundation, an agency of the Ontario Ministry of Culture, distributes funding for selected community-based initiatives and selected province-wide initiatives. Funding is allocated in four sectors; Arts and culture, Environment, Sports and Recreation and Human and Social Services.

For further information:
please call (416) 963-4927 or 1-800-263-2887
visit the Web site
The Trillium Foundation

Canada Foundation for Innovation
The Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) is an independent corporation created in 1997 by the Government of Canada to fund research infrastructure. The CFI's mandate is to strengthen the ability of Canadian universities, colleges, research hospitals, and other non-profit institutions to carry out world-class research and technology development that will benefit Canadians.

For further information:
please call (613) 947-6496
visit the Web site
The Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI)
see the document Canada Foundation for Innovation

Northern Ontario Development Program
FedNor's Northern Ontario Economic Development Fund (NOEDF) is intended to strengthen Northern Ontario communities by supporting projects that address local needs and priorities and result in long term benefits including job creation, economic diversification, and enhanced business competitiveness.

For further information:
please call 1-877-333-6673
visit the Web site
see the document Northern Ontario Development Program

Museums Assistance Program
The Museums Assistance Program (MAP) provides financial assistance to Canadian museums and related institutions. Assistance is for museum activities that support the objectives of Canada's museum policy. The program is delivered by the regional offices of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

For further information:
please call (819) 997-7982
visit the Web site
Museums Assistance Program
see the document Museums Assistance Program

Moving on Sustainable Transportation Program - MOST
Transport Canada established the Moving On Sustainable Transportation (MOST) program to improve education and awareness of sustainable transportation in Canada. MOST is a five-year, $2.5 million contribution program designed to stimulate the development of innovative tools, approaches and practices for sustainable transportation.

For further information:
please call (613) 998-6607
visit the Web site
Moving On Sustainable Transportation (MOST)
see the document Moving on Sustainable Transportation Program - MOST

Endangered Species Recovery Fund (ESRF)
The Endangered Species Recovery Fund (ESRF) sponsors scientific/research and education/outreach projects that assist the recovery and protection of Canadian species at risk. The maximum award is $25 000 per year for up to two years.

For further information:
please call (416) 489-4567 ext. 7287
visit the Web site
World-Wildlife Canada
see the document Endangered Species Recovery Fund (ESRF)

Municipal Governments
The city or town in which the not-for-profit organization will be based may provide funding for projects through locally administered programs.

For further information:
please call the appropriate municipal government.
For a list of municipal government Web sites, visit

Foundation Directories and other publications
Some privately-published directories of organizations and foundations that donate to not-for-profit organizations are often available through local libraries and Regional Access Program offices.

Other Not-for-profit Agencies
Other not-for-profit agencies that have similar goals may provide funding in some instances. A number of not-for-profit agencies can be found by locating various directories in local libraries and Regional Access Program offices (to locate an office close to you, please refer to the Regional Access Program Location Index) . A directory of not-for-profit organizations can also be found on the Charity Village Web site at

7. Taxation

In this section, you will find information and links to a variety of tax-related topics of interest to those involved in the not-for-profit sector.

Non-profit Organization - NPO - Information Return

Non-profit Organization - NPO - Information Return

As required by subsection 149(12) of the Income Tax Act, a Not-for-Profit Organization may have to file an Information Return. Once an organization has filed this information return, it has to keep filing, for as long as it remains an NPO, regardless of the dollar value of its revenues or the book value of its assets.

For further information:
please call 1-800-959-5525
visit the Web site
Non-Profit Organization (NPO) Information Return
see the document Non-profit Organization - NPO - Information Return

GST/HST Rebates for Public Service Bodies

GST/HST Rebates for Public Service Bodies

Many goods and services provided by public service bodies are exempt from GST. These bodies can get back some of the GST they paid on items they used either to make the goods or to provide the services.

For further information:
please call 1-800-959-5525
visit the Web site
GST/HST Public Service Bodies Rebate - Includes Form GST66
see the document GST/HST Rebates for Public Service Bodies

8. Personal Information Protection

Personal Information Protection - Privacy Commissioner of Canada
The Guide to Canada's Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) helps businesses understand their obligations and comply to the Act. As of January 1, 2004, the PIPED Act covers the collection, use or disclosure of personal information in the course of all commercial activities in Canada, except in provinces which have enacted legislation that is deemed to be substantially similar to the federal law.

For further information:
please call 1-800-282-1376
visit the Web site
A Guide for Businesses and Organizations
see the document Protection of Personal Information - Your Responsibilities

9. Other resources

Information contained in this document is of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute advice for any specific fact situation. Users concerned about the reliability of the information should consult directly with the source, or seek legal counsel.

Links Policy
Some of the hypertext links lead to non-federal government sites which are not subject to the Official Languages Act and the material is available in one language only.

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