CESL Homepage


CESL focuses on sustainable external and internal growth opportunities, technology transfer and improvement projects. Growth opportunities are pursued through the potential application of our proprietary hydrometallurgical technology and the development of novel process designs.

CESL is your source for hydrometallurgical solutions:

  • Competitive Processes
  • Process Development Expertise
  • A World Class Metallurgical Facility
  • Experienced Team of Professionals

Metallurgical Testing

CESL offers three levels of hydrometallurgy testwork for evaluating projects:

Bench Scale, Pilot Scale, Demonstration Scale

Process Features

On-site refining of sulphide concentrate using CESL technology is a viable alternative you can turn to:
  • Proven Technology
  • Versatile Process
  • Flexible Technology
  • Improve Recovery
  • Economic Solution
  • Increase Value
  • Sustainable Process


Vale has constructed a 10,000 tonne per year copper plant that is currently operating in the Carajás region of Brazil. This is the first commercial hydrometallurgical facility using CESL Technology.

Publications & Downloads

An Integrated Mine to Metal approach to Develop High Arsenic Copper Deposits Using the CESL Process
-Perumin 2011 (631KB PDF)

Unlocking Disseminated Nickel Sulphides using the CESL Nickel Process
-ALTA 2010 (244KB PDF)

The CESL Gold Process
-World Gold 2011 (912KB PDF)

CESL Limited

12380 Horseshoe Way
Richmond, BC, Canada  V7A 4Z1
T: 1.778.296.4900   F: 1.778.296.4908