New Brunswick Securities Commission

Video Series - Child Victims of Abuse and Neglect Protocols

The New Brunswick Child Victims of Abuse and Neglect Protocols assist professionals and others who have contact with children, through their work, to collaborate to prevent and intervene in cases of child abuse. This six-part video series will help you understand the roles, responsibilities and various child protection services available. A document is also available for download. (click here for Protocols)

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 1. Introduction

2. Identifying Child Abuse or Neglect

Responsibilities for reporting suspected child abuse and neglect. Also includes statistical information.


Describes indicators of neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse and verbal abuse.

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 3. Reporting Child Abuse or Neglect 4. Roles and Responsibilities

Government employees have responsibilities to report suspicions of child abuse and /or neglect. An overview of the referral process.


Roles and Responsibilities under the Child Victims of Abuse and Neglect Protocols.

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 5. Protocols and Legislation 6. Summary

Legislation and principals on which the protocols were founded.


Key aspects of the Child Victims of Abuse and Neglect Protocols

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