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Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a new technology you can use to have information sent to you, rather than having to go look for it. Many Web sites, including Microsoft's, offer RSS as a way to have headlines delivered to you.

This page introduces RSS and helps you get started using it.

What is RSS?

RSS technology is used to create a "feed" (list) of headlines that you can have delivered to you. For example, when we publish new headlines on a site that supports RSS, those headlines can be added to a feed that you can subscribe to. (Note that not every headline that goes up on a Web site will automatically be sent to you. What you receive may vary depending on how we update the feed.)

RSS feeds enable you to get update notifications delivered directly to your desktop through the news aggregator software program of your choice. RSS offers a convenience because you can subscribe to feeds from several Internet sites and automatically pull together headlines from all the sources into one list. This lets you quickly browse the list of new content without visiting each site.

What do I need to use RSS?

In order to receive RSS feeds, you need an RSS reader. You then subscribe to the Web site from which you want to receive content, and the information will be delivered automatically to your RSS reader.

Here are the steps:


Choose a recommended reader to organize and read your content (or use your preferred reader).


After installing your RSS reader, click the link of the RSS Icon icon next to a set of links or headlines or from the list on the right that you're most interested in to subscribe to the category.


Follow the prompts offered by your RSS reader to complete the subscription.


Use your RSS reader to read news when it arrives and click headline links to get the full Web page.

Note: If you have a My MSN page, simply click on the "My MSN" Image Add to My MSN and the feed will be added automatically your page.


Windows Vista
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The Future of Microsoft Office
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Security at Home
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Microsoft at Work
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Microsoft at Home
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Windows XP Expert Zone Community
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Expert Zone Team Blog
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Internet Explorer Community
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Windows Marketplace Internet Explorer Downloads
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Windows Marketplace Games
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Windows Marketplace Networking and Security
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Windows Marketplace Multimedia, Music & Video
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Visit the CNET site for a video tutorial about the benefits of subscribing to RSS feeds.


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