Government of New Brunswick

Government of New Brunswick

Search Tips

Welcome to the GNB search engine.

The following tips will help narrow down your search and quickly find what you need.

  • Single-word queries: If you search for "operation," you will receive a list of all documents that contain the word "operation" in their contents.
  • For free-text and phrase queries, enter a group of words or a complete sentence. These must be in quotations, i.e. "Red Tape Reduction".
  • Putting AND between the words is also acceptable, i.e., Red AND Tape AND Reduction.

  • Queries are NOT case-sensitive.
  • To search a date, the following values must be used: yyyy/mm/dd or yyyy-mm-dd. (If the first two characters of the year are omitted, the date is interpreted as being between 1930 and 2029.)

Government of New Brunswick
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