New Brunswick

2002 Directory of Manufacturers and Selected Services to Industry

The information displayed on this site is as of December 23, 2002. Further Updates will be displayed on this Internet site after the completion of a survey this summer. The Directory contains data on 2,104 manufacturers and selected service firms. Selected services refers to firms within the marketing, management and technical related industries (business to business services).

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2002 Directory in Word 97 format

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New Brunswick Enterprises, Alphabetical
New Brunswick Enterprises County Classification
New Brunswick Products/Selected Services, Alphabetical
NAICS (North American Industrial Classification System)
2002 Directory in CSV format

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Download self-extracting WinZip file   (344kb)

Information Technology Companies

Other Resources:
Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, WIN Export
Industry Canada, Strategis, Canadian Company Capabilities

For inquiries, comments, or request for change:
Business New Brunswick
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
Tel: (506) 453-2850   Fax: (506) 444-4586